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Shameless request for soap porn......


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I got my mica in from the co-op but haven't soaped any yet....has anyone soaped their micas/neons/whatever from the

TKB co-op and want to share? Yes, I am shamelessly begging for some soap porn! :P

ETA: Hopefully tonight I will be rockin' some NEON PINK in soap!! Can't wait!!

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Those are awfully pretty to cut up!! :sad2:

Okay, I got to experiment with my Red Sparks! Mica tonight....that stuff is sinfully expensive but sooooo totally cool!!! It looked whitish in the bag, but once it hit the clear soap it turned a gorgeous sparkly red color! :smiley2: I was holding it up telling my daughter "look!!" a few times and oooohing and aaaahing over it. Finally she says "I see, mom. Geez, you showed me already!" (imagine, of course, the most exasperated teenage tone imaginable) Ugh, some people just don't get it! LOL Me love sparklies. :D

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Jbren, love those colors! What scent is it?


Bottom layer is Raspberry POP color scented with SW Carolina Cascade, the top is Apple Green POP color with SW Lomaviti Lagoon. Left a little bit of white to swirl the top.

The two fragrances together (in separate layers) remind me of Salty Mariner

Nice colors, Lori! I'm liking the POP colors better than the neon though.

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I want to use that umber that I got so badly, but I can't match it to a scent (and I'm supposed to be doing candles now lol)

I'm having the same problem with the Chameleon mica I got! It is soooo pretty. :) It is a brownish red color though....so kinda tough to match. I think I am going to try that and 24karat swirled in a batch. Just trying to figure out what fragrance....:tiptoe:

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