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Wholesale displays away from the norm

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I've got wholesale accounts wanting displays for soap and BB products and I want to be consistent with every account and be able to offer them all the same thing. I don't want wood, it doesn't fit my branding so that knocks out everything I've seen so far.

Has anyone seen anything offered in Plexiglas or chrome (or with a contemporary feel) in their net travels or know anyone that works with plexiglas that could do some custom work for me?


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Grumpy...try a google search with the terms 'acrylic countertop display' There are many company's that make these...steps, shelves, turntables etc...I'll see if I can find some of my sources. I used to use these at craft shows.

Here's one, but in AZ so probably too far away from you:


I used 'acrylic counter display' as my search terms and tons came up

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What about custom cardboard displays? They can look extremely professional- take a walk in just about any retail store and you'll come across some. Your graphics are fantastic and add to the appeal of your products, so why not let the graphics do the work? :cheesy2: I personally like that the cardboard is recyclable, too.

I haven't used this company, but I have it bookmarked to try out later.


Or- if you're not into the cardboard thing- I absolutely love these displays. The colored pegboard ones would go great with your graphics too! They have floor and counter displays, and you can arrange the pegboard to have shelves, bins, pegs, etc. And they have lots of clear acrylic displays too.


Please let us know what you come up with- I'd love to see it! :yay:

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