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how many?

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It's all down to your situation I guess. I'm new to candle making, and so far only make for family and friends, but am starting to do some fairs soon. I'm currently working with 20 different scents, but as I go I'll probably add more.

What you have to remember is the amount of time and money to test each new scent you add. Adding to many to soon could be expensive, time wise for testing and cost a fair bit of money too.

I started off with 6 and added more as soon as I was happy with the scents I had tested.

If your new like myself, I'd recommend starting off with 6 or so and add more as you go along. I find that i'm always looking to add new scents, but have to look at my wallet and free time first.


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I've found that for craft fairs about 20 is the right number; seems people do get confused if there are too many.

When I first started I tried to buy every scent anyone ever asked for; unfortunately, the person who asked for it seldom came back & I spent a lot of money and ended up stuck with a lot of fragrance oils no one else wanted. I even made some unscented candles because that's what someone asked for; needless to say, I had to melt those down & add fragrance!

Also, just a hint, try combining some of the fragrances you already have to create some that are exclusive to your line.

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In our store we have 230 in paraffin, 150 in soy and 80 in soap. Our website has even more cause we ran out of room in the store.

Like Scented said...someone is always going to ask for that one scent you don't have. No matter how many you offer.

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