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Used shampoo bar ~ But need a conditioner


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I made a shampoo bar for the first time and finally it is ready and I used it this morning.

It suds up wonderfully, and my hair felt sooooo clean compared to using bottled shampoo. The only problem was my hair is super long, and curly, and normally I need a good conditioner after a shampoo, and since I didn't use one...... It was a tangled mess and so hard to brush. Usually conditioner softens it up to brush easier.

This was the recipe

Coconut Oil 25%, Cocoa butter 6.25%, Castor Oil 6.25%, Jojoba Oil 6.25%, Soybean Oil 25%, Olive Oil 31.25%

Is there a bottled conditioner that can be made that is moisturizing for my really dry/dyed hair? :embarasse

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I would be interested in this too. Don't know what the "beads" stuff is - will have to check that out.

I've been using my regular bars on my hair followed by a vinegar rinse. I've read that with bar soaps you need to follow with vinegar or lemon juice. I love it. My scalp used to get so itchy (allergic to *something* in shampoos/conditioners), but not anymore. I follow with store bought conditioner but would love to come up with a recipe for some I could make myself.

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My head always got really itchy too when I used store bought shampoos.

(So I used a 2 in 1 dandruff shampoo and a conditioner)

After years of trying every conditioner to find one that made my hair feel soft afterwards, I finally found a really inexpensive conditioner that works really well; but since I made shampoo bars, I want to go the same route with conditioner.


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