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My IGI 6036 test thread....

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OK here goes...I poured 5 testers....

4oz tin

CD 8

6% Bayberry (berts)

6oz tin

CD 10

6% herbal (berts)

8oz tin

CD 12

6% wildberry crisp (ky)

9oz hex

CD 10

6% Teaberry (ky)

8oz sq mason

CD 12

6% cinn, nutmeg, clove (berts)

I followed elfcats instructions and I will start test burning in 48 hrs.;)


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OK so I couldnt wait 48 hours....:embarasse .

I lit the 6oz tin about 1 hr ago. It has the CD 10 in it. The melt pool is about half-way across. Not getting a real good HT out of it...but really just testing wicks right now.

I LOVE the way this wax set up. Nice and creamy and smooth. No craters, no cracks, just a lovely candle.

I just lit the 9oz hex jar with the teaberry from KY in it. That scent is gonna be strong I can just tell....:grin2: That jar also has a CD 10 in it.

I will update later.


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WOW this wax is WONDERFUL!!:yay: :yay:

The 9oz hex jar after 1 hr has a FMP sooo wick is WAY to big. I am going to melt it down and try a CD7 in it.

The 6oz tin after 2 hrs has a FMP too. I am going to put it out and trim the wick and relight it later. I think it will take a CD7 too.

The MP must be way low on this wax....anyone know?


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From what I can find out is that this wax has a mp of 120 deg. compared to 133 deg. for 6006. HTH

Yep I saw that on CS site. I went over and looked after i asked the question...:tiptoe: thanks. Which explains why the wicks are too big.:grin2:


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cant you just pull the wick out with pliers and slip the new sized wick down and test it with that ?? instead of re melting it down

Nope, I anchor my wicks when I test burn so IF I have it right i can test to the bottom. I have always done it this way, so it is easy for me.


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OK the 4oz tin with the Bayberry from berts did really good. I let it burn for 3 hrs. It has a CD8 in it. I am wondering if this scent needs to be wicked up....or there is a really big difference between CD 8 and CD 10. The HT was really good too. I have NEVER found a bayberry to throw in soy. I have not tried Peaks either. So with nothing to compare to it was a 7 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best.

The 8oz sq mason with the CD 12 in it also did good. Almost a FMP in 3 hr burn. This was scented with Berts cinn, nutmeg, clove. I detect a vanilla note in this too. The HT was good a 7 on the 1-10 scale.I will do the second burn tomorrow.

I have to 8oz tin lit now. I will post on it later.

I am not getting ANY mushrooms with this wax/wick combo. So far no smoke/soot the jars are clean. I will take pics tomorrow and post em.


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The 8oz tin with the CD 12 is doing PERFECT so far....I burned it for four hours and got almost a FMP. Maybe 1/8 inch or so from the sides. The HT was awesome but Wildberry crisp from KY will throw in anything I think.

I will be gone tomorrow. Going out on the truck with DBF for the day.:yay: we will take a load over to Medford. I am takin the camera so hopefully I'l get a few good pics.


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Nice trip to Medford yesterday....it was snowing on the summit!! I got pics.;)

I lit the 8oz sq mason and the 4oz tin this morning.

The 8oz sq mason with the CD 12 and cinn,nutmeg,cloves FO (berts) is doing good. I am getting an EX HT 40 min after lighting.

I just lit the 4oz tin and it is in the Bathroom....I'll report on it later.

I will post the results of the test burns tonight.


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I just put out the 8oz sq mason...It is doing fine so far this is 2nd 4hr burn. Not quite a FMP but that is OK. AWESOME HT!! The jury is still out on wick size till after 1/2 way down the jar.

The 4oz tin is also doing real good. Almost a FMP...maybe 1/16 inch from sides. This is with a CD8....another awesome HT!!

I have the 8oz tin and the 6oz tin lit now....


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So far, I like it(6036) alot better....no smoking and no sooting and I can pour it into any container I use and not have any repour issues. As for CT and HT they are very close. The 6036 may be a hair better....VERY close.


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Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to share your results! I really appreciate you.:highfive:

Your welcome...the results I get are a guide only. It can give you a starting point...which can be very frusterating. I have gotton so much from this board and feel this way I can give something back.


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The 8oz tin burned again for 4 hrs. The MP is still not out to the edges but VERY close. I will burn it again tomorrow.

The 6oz tin is also doing well. It is starting to catch up on the sides. HT is wonderful. (herbal) from berts.

I am still not getting sooting or mushrooming with this wax/wick/FO combo.


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I burned the 8oz tin yesterday twice and it is lit this morning. I took pics of it....dont know how good they turned out yet. I will pist if they are good. Anyway I think the CD 12 is a good wick to start testing with. You may have to go up to a 14 for harder to burn scents OR if you feel you HAVE to have that FMP on the first few burns. The tin is over half-way burned and there is VERY LITTLE hang-up left. I am getting a EX HT with this FO/wick combo. The tin is NOT hot to the touch even after 4-5 hrs of burning.

The 4oz tin is also doing EX with that CD10 in there. There is almost no wax left on the sides of the tin. The tin is not hot to the touch after 4hrs burning. I am getting an EX HT with this FO/wick combo.

The 8oz sq mason is also doing EX. I still have a little hang up on one side in the corner of the jar. That is OK it will catch-up. I am getting and EX HT with this FO/wick combo.

I am trimming wicks to about 1/8 or so inch. you have to use your best judgement here.

I will post again later this evening.


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Thanks for posting all your testing. I have bought a sample of this wax to try. And your testing is very helpful. Again Thanks so much :yay: Regina

Regina, I've been waiting to hear how your testing is going. Have you started it yet????

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OK I burned the 4oz tin again this afternoon....this is strange and I have heard it happening but have never had it happen to ME!! After about 1.5 hrs of burning the flame got very weak....there is still plenty of wick and I didnt trim the wick except just the very tip end. Almost all the wax is off the sides of the tin. I just dont understand the VERY weak flame...:confused:

The 8oz sq mason is still doing fine and sides are clean and about a 1/4 inch MP. looks really good.

The 9oz hex jar...the one with the CD 10 wick and I thought it was too big....well I have burned it twice at 4hr intervals and it is doing fine!! I am getting a FMP and it is staying at 1/4 inch...it is not half-way yet but maybe the CD10 is a good starting point for this jar. The HT is EX (teaberry from KY) I dont like this FO in a candle....maybe soap....

I will post pics of the 8oz tin later.


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I burned the 4oz tin again this morning. It did just fine....I have no idea what happened to it yesterday, but the flame was good and it burned 3hrs and the sides are clean.

The 8oz tin was burned again this morning for 4 hrs. It also did well. FMP and sides are almost clean.


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