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Storing Cured Soaps???


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Just wondering once soaps are cured..how is the best way to store? Is air tight bins good? or would it cause moisture..Or should I store in a card board box,,like a shoe box?

Also does it hurt to store them together..or should they be seperate? so the Fragrance's don't blend?

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You can store them in plastic shoe boxes or in the cardboard ones. I just store mine on a shelf, out in the open. I keep them pretty much separate but right next to each other. The times I've stored in shoe boxes, I always kept them separate.

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I have reached the point where they stay on the curing racks until I package and take to a show or my monthly market. In the beginning I tried to store in the individual plastic type shoeboxes with holes drilled in them. Too much trouble going through all of those to get what I needed. For taking to shows I use the rigid plastic red coca cola trays that I got when I purchased some bottled drinks from a school fund raiser. They stack and are perfect for me.

I am fortunate to have two of the large metal shelf units on wheels with mylar looking shelf liners from Sams at less than $80 each. They hold a bunch of soap and soap supplies.

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I store mine in cardboard boxes.

If you sell and sell at a fairly consistent rate you should be fine just storing them on curing racks, but for me, since mine is mostly personal use and I only really sell in the fall (but make all year long) I find that if I leave them out in the open too long (like say a couple of months) they get a slight film of dust along the top that is pretty gross. LOL (even for personal use) So since I discoverd that I keep them in a cardboard box with no problems, and even if they are different scented soaps, once fully cured I don't find that there is scent transfer.

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My husband owns a janitorial service that cleans banks. The very best (and free!) soap storing system I have are quarter (or any of the coin) boxes. The banks throw them out daily. I even use them for shipping smaller orders. You can turn them inside out for that.

I also use them as molds for my soap classes so they would be great for a newbie soaper looking for a mold.

I store all my scents seperately.

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Thanks...I don't sell either...I make for just personal use...and friends and family..( I do charge something to friends and family) or I couldn't keep making...

So sometimes I do have some much longer than the two month cure time...

I was thinking of putting them together, so I am glad I asked, it seems the majority is, don't put them together..

I right now have them in cut in half flat rate postage boxes..but I will say...it dosn't make a very pretty presentation...

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We have a lot of banker type boxes that we use. They easily storeo on top of each other. After the soap has cured, we put each individual soap in a large gallon ziplock bag, zip 1/2 way, and leave 1/2 open to keep it aired out some what. We try and store similar soap in a banker box. No scent soaps in the same box, complimentary scent soaps in another box, etc. It is amazing how long the soaps retain their original scent by doing this. I have had soap's fragrances remain the same, as they were at cure, for almost a year by doing this. The essential oils work excellent this way.

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