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question about layered pillars

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Hi all.

I'm just learning to make candles at the moment, and enjoying it, but I have a question about multi coloured pillars. My niece was visiting this weekend and has begged me to make her a colourful candle for her mum's birthday, so I want to get it right.

I'm going to pour 3 layers of colour, but what i'm not sure about is the interval between pouring layers.

Do I pour each layer, poke relief holes then wait until the mold is room temp before pouring the next layer? I think this is right but i'm not sure.

TIA for any advice:grin2:

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What kind of wax are you using? :confused: For soy and palm, I wait until the previous layer has set up just enough to support the new layer without melting or breaking, but dunno if that would work with other waxes... If ya wait too long, the wax can run between the mold and the candle (which actually can look kool, if unintentional...) which messes up nice, precise layer lines.

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Sorry forgot to mention the wax. I'm using parafin wax. Was busy reading other posts on the subject (should have done b4 i posted:embarasse ), and i'm going to try and do a rustic layered pillar.

Thanks for the info, thats what I've gathered from old posts, so i'll give it a go. Pour a layer, swirl it about, wait until it has a hard layer, then do another layer, all at 150f.

Thanks again for the advice. This forum is a minefield of advice. I've lots of ideas I want to try, but i'll work at them one at a time. I'm still testing my first container candles, they're just small 4oz jars, so in between testing them I'll work on the candle for my neice.:grin2:

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Smurf, you have most of it right.....don't wait till the layer is completely set. I pour my consecutive layers when the first is somewhat firm on top but when you tip it, you can see the still molten wax kinda bulge under the surface.

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Same as Pam W for the most part. If you want definitive layers, that's about the trick. If you want the color to sort of bleed into the next layer, pour it when the skin is not so firm. I don't poke relief holes till the last layer and then I go through all the layers.

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Thanks for the advice folks. I'm just in from work, so I'm gonna give it a go. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. This will be the first time i've tried making a multi-coloured candle, so i'm looking forward to giving it a go.


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Yep, giving it a try is where you start. If your 1st candles comes out with too much of a line between the layers then you'll know to pour a little sooner next time. Keep notes on the temps so you can tweak as needed.

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