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RME - Revolution Money Exchange

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Have any of you signed up for this? I just found out about it while perusing Etsy's forums. I just signed up and got $25 free in my account! :)

It's basically a way for me to pay someone else, much like paypal, but without fees. The only slight difference is that the people who use it all have to be members. You cannot just pay with your credit card without signing up for it. Small downside imo.

It looks promising and what a great way to not pay fees in the classified area - right? haha

[edited link]

*just a note that if you click via the link above and sign up, I get credit for telling you about it. Choose to credit me or not, I recommend you checking it out! :D

ALSO--don't pay attention to end of date promotion (May 15, 2008). I signed up today and I got my money in there right away! So it's still going on. Just a heads up.

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I thought paypal had no fees either, when operating under the same criteria? That is, sending money from one personal account to another personal account, and funded with the account balance. Or has that changed? Nothing wrong with RME from what I see, but I just felt it's misleading to say it's like paypal but without the fees.

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RoF is right. It's a set limit a month - I believe $500 total. But applying and using PP as a business account is free and lifts limits.

ETA: And I should mention - you don't even have to use it like a business account. I have to PP accounts - one for personal, one for business and both are "business" level.

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Oop! That's fine Vicky. I wasn't sure if promotion links were allowed.

I really hope this catches on too! And I didn't mean to mislead. I didn't look at all the fine print, I just thought this was a wonderful way to not pay some of the fees that Paypal has. I didn't realize that's how paypal started either. From what I took a look at, it still takes the standard 2 days to transfer $ from my bank account to the RME account much like Paypal. I saw an area that there were fees included but I don't recall right now. I'll have to check it out again.

Still-- I think this is terrific. :D

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