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New jars & wicking (palm)

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I have the CandleScience palm... I went ahead and tried the LX 18, and it's too small. It needs at least a 20 or maybe even a 22.

I thought about the CSN wicks, but I'm just so used to these LX's. I've always had good luck with them in paraffin and soy, and I'm reluctant to change.

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I have the CandleScience palm... I went ahead and tried the LX 18, and it's too small. It needs at least a 20 or maybe even a 22.

Are these your first palm wax container candles? The way they burn is somewhat different from paraffin and soy... I use about the same size wick for a soy container candle as I do a palm one, maybe one size up... It isn't unusual for a palm wax candle not to achieve FMP on the first test burn session (2½ hours for your container) 'cause it burns down, then out. ;)

I thought about the CSN wicks, but I'm just so used to these LX's. I've always had good luck with them in paraffin and soy, and I'm reluctant to change.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! ;) If the LXs work well for you, there is no reason to change. But if they don't - try the CSNs or some CDNs (my personal favorite).

How did they come out? Did you get a good crystal pattern? How's the throw? :)

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Yeah, this is my first time with palm in containers. I did my first test burn last night. When I first lit it, it was perfect. Then after a couple of minutes, the flame started jumping up and down very quickly. The flame didn't get big though. After a couple of minutes of the "jittery" flame, it resumed a normal burn.

The flame stayed nice until about 2 hours into the burn. Then it got quite weak, almost drowning out. At about 2.5 hours, the melt pool was at 2 inches. It's hard to see in the pic, but the MP was the same diameter as the mouth of the jar.

It may catch up on the the next burn. Cold throw is excellent. I did these in pineapple coconut, and I just wanna eat them! *lol* Hot throw is not as great, but acceptable.

The pattern did okay, but i have small non-crystalized layers between the crystalized parts. You can see it in the scan. I think it's because of the uneven cooling.



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thats a pretty good burn after the first burn if i say so myself...ask ShariG, shes good with Palm & i think she said the LX's arent good...she doesnt like them. For Glass Glow...I believe....I could be wrong..Pm her, she'll help ya...wont you Shari?? lol

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Yep. Just finished the second burn. Got a weak flame after about 2 hours of burning, and it's tunneling. Looks like it's going to leave the perfect shell for a votive to fit into. It'll just be my accidental forever candle. :) I think I'll try an LX 20, and if that doesn't work, I'll just get some of the CSN wicks.

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