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Digital Thermometers, Scales and Such


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Hello Everyone,

I'm new to soapmaking and would like to thank CraftServer for pushing violently to stepping in it.:laugh2: I've always wanted to make soap from scratch, but I was afraid of the lye thingy:embarasse. I'm so glad I found this set of forums.

My questions are: Where can I find a stainless steel digital thermometer with the long cord, like a meat thermometer? And, What's a good scale to use for soapmaking? Keeping in mind that I plan on doing this, like, forever:grin2:.

My husband is all for it.:yay: We just picked up everything but the soap slicer, thermometer, scale and mold (but, I'll be using a shoebox until then). Anyway, any suggestions?


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Hello, welcome to our addiction and the CT board. ;)

You can find both the digi thermometer and the scale on eBay. Not sure on the sellers for the DT, but seller oldwillknott [could be wrong on the spelling] has great deals on scales. For soapmaking, I'd recommend it have grams, lbs, and oz.

Feel free to ask any other questions. There are useful links at the top of this section. Plus~ tons of info already on this board in the previous postings. A wealth of knowledge is at your fingertips.

We have many talents soapmakers on this board.

Someone is always here to help you.

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for my scale I, at first I just used an inexpensive digital number I got from Target. But you will want it to go to at least 0.1 ounces or 1 gram (or better if you can afford it - but for that you might want to go online). Make it good for AT LEAST 1 kilo or more.

For the thermometer, I would suggest just the kitchen kind (instant read, digital) with the long metal spike. I don't use one with the cord - it would just drag through something.

Spend as much as you can afford on a scale (post options here and we will gladly offer advice). Don't spend much on a thermometer - in my experience you will not be using it much after you get the hang of things (unless you move into candles as well...)

good luck and have fun!

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Thanks Guys,

I just got back in the house. Thanks for the welcome! I'm so looking forward to this new adventure of soap making. The creative side of it seems endless.

By the was my hubby left me a letter and said he found a postal scale that has a 75 lb capacity. :thumbsup: He didn't say what brand or how much, but he usually gets high quality things for reasonable prices. I'll have to ask him when he comes in from work.

Now I just have to wait for the scale to arrive and get the thermometer.:whoohoo: I have to go to storage and look for the digital camera, I accidentally packed it away.:embarasse I'm not that computer or digital savvy, but I want to be able to post pictures of the items I produce (be it bad or good). So, whether he likes it or not, my hubby is gonna post the first pictures until I get the hang of it.

This soaping community has been by far the most homey and informative. As I stated before, I am so grateful to have found CraftServer.

Everyone have a pleasant night! Sweet Dreams!


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at 75# it probably won't be precise enough for what I would consider a reasonable size batch, especially for a beginner (I'd start with 2# of oils myself). You will need it to go out to 0.1 oz or even more decimal places if possible.

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Good Morning CareBear,

I bugged him when he came in about the scale. He said that it reads in .1 oz increments until about 50 lbs then it reads in .2 oz increments. So I had to wake him, and let him know that I need another scale in addition to the one he purchased.

Thanks for responding, I'm usually not up as late as I was last night (got school age children).

We're going to get the smaller scale and thermometer. I'll be making my first batch of CP soap this afternoon.:yay: I'm using the tutorial's recipe for this batch. My Grandma told me that she and her mother used to make soap many ions ago. She said they didn't have all this "fancy stuff" for soapmaking.

I'll be checking in soon. Off to make breakfast for the kids.

Hope your day starts off well!


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My computer is running really slow today for some reason. I hope the antivirus program is doing its job.

Well my hubby said that it is an Ultraship. He won't tell me where online he got it from (he thinks I'll continue to ask him to buy more things. And I will :grin2:), but that he purchased it with shipping for under $35.:highfive: My hubby is so cheap, he'd have everyone and their momma looking for the item to see who comes up with the cheapest price.

I may think I have a really good price and he'd find it for even cheaper, be it $1 or $0.50.:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

We've been looking for soap cutters (really dough cutters) he took me to the Home Depot and my eyes popped. Seeing that he's in construction, I told him to ask the drywallers for a few spackle knives. In the meantime, I'm going to the restaurant supply house to look for the dough cutters. So I guess I won't be doing the soapmaking tonight after all.:sad2: When I do, I will have the pictures posted.


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Hi CareBear,

Thanks! I just wanted to have everything before me when I started (I'm a worrier):embarasse. I checked around the neighborhood for scales and the prices are not so low. So I'll be waiting like a mad woman until my scale gets here.

Oh, I found out that my hubby ordered the scale from amazon. I hope we get our scale, because some of the vendors at amazon suck:mad:. I've had some bad experiences with a few of the vendors in the late past.

OldWillKnott on ebay has great prices! I hope others read this so they will know where to get a nice high capacity scale for a really good price.

Thanks again!

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