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NO more Stinky Sink freshener

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I found this idea while browsing the BC newsletter. I haven't tried selling these yet as I am still in the "tester" phase. I've used it in my own kitchen sink and wow..smells great while it is in there and even a couple days later when I ran water down the drain I got a whiff. I am trying to figure out which way I want to package in bulk. I was thinking about the paint cans but then was afraid if kept under a sink or even in a bathroom the moisture would rust the outside. I'm leaning toward the foil pouches with windows.


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I found this idea while browsing the BC newsletter. I haven't tried selling these yet as I am still in the "tester" phase. I've used it in my own kitchen sink and wow..smells great while it is in there and even a couple days later when I ran water down the drain I got a whiff. I am trying to figure out which way I want to package in bulk. I was thinking about the paint cans but then was afraid if kept under a sink or even in a bathroom the moisture would rust the outside. I'm leaning toward the foil pouches with windows.

Hi there! I looked for the idea on the newsletter but dont see it, how are these made exactly? I am forever trying to find a new way to freshen up my own sink.

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Is this something that you put down the garbage disposal and grind up, or use under the sink? I could really use both!

I'm assuming by the pic posted saying 2 treatments that it's for the drain itself. Can't wait to find out and try it.

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I think it was in the February 2008 Newsletter at the bottom in the Tips from readers section. I package 2 treatments in the seed packets in case you have a double bowl sink. You fill your sink half way full of very hot steaming water. Dump half the packet in (if only a single sink, save half for another time) Once the water cools (about an hour later) drain the sink. There will be a little bit of residue, use this to wipe the sink out. The citric acid in the powder will "clean" the drain pipes. The fragrance is released into the air through the steam giving you a temporary air freshener. This works great after cooking something fish or onions.

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What is it? Is the ingredients included on the package? I am thinking I am gonna have to try it.

From the newsletter at Bittercreek, it's citric acid, baking soda and fragrance oil. If you check the newsletter for Feb 2008 it has the exact ingredients and gave credit to who submitted it as well. I can't wait to try it!

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I have the ingredients listed on the back of the package. I have to mix up some other fragrances. I only tried verbena lemongrass so far in my own sink. I want to do some bathroom type fragrances.

It seems like a really good idea, good luck to you :smiley2:

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I seemed to think so, however my nay say DH is saying I won't sell any of them. I am getting ready for a 3 day festival over 4th of July weekend that usually gets 50-60thous. over the 3 days, probably more since the 4th hits on Friday and people have the weekend. He is saying I'm planning on having too much of everything. I'm going to bop him over the head! I figure this is something quirky enough that I can sell cheap enough that I should sell a lot and make a little bit of profit on them.

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I seemed to think so, however my nay say DH is saying I won't sell any of them. I am getting ready for a 3 day festival over 4th of July weekend that usually gets 50-60thous. over the 3 days, probably more since the 4th hits on Friday and people have the weekend. He is saying I'm planning on having too much of everything. I'm going to bop him over the head! I figure this is something quirky enough that I can sell cheap enough that I should sell a lot and make a little bit of profit on them.

I would sure buy it! It never hurts to bring them along and try right? You just never know how something will do until you put it out there.

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I definately think I'm going to use the window pouches. I found some half wooden scoops at woodcrafters.com and they are on sale for mother's day. I had some of the other wooden scoops before like for bath salts but they seem to bulky to fit down inside the pouch. I forgot to add that I'm going to package 6 of the 2 treatment packages in a cellophane bag and sell them as a variety set.

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I definately think I'm going to use the window pouches. I found some half wooden scoops at woodcrafters.com and they are on sale for mother's day. I had some of the other wooden scoops before like for bath salts but they seem to bulky to fit down inside the pouch. I forgot to add that I'm going to package 6 of the 2 treatment packages in a cellophane bag and sell them as a variety set.

Sounds like a really good idea! :smiley2:

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I think you'll do very well w/ these. It's totally the kind of item I'd go for at a craft show. I'm wondering if you added Borax to the mix if it would help clean the sink & eliminate the residue? Borax mixes well w/ baking soda & fo to make great carpet freshener (that also kills fleas). I think you should throw together another package & really give your doubting husband something to groan about ... No More Stinky Carpet (or fleas!).

Good luck & good job -- Susan.

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The citric acid is supposed to clean the residue out of the pipes. I could try adding the Borax but I don't know how I'd be able to test if it worked any better. I'd have to have one of those see through pipes like they show on the infomercials to compare.

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I seemed to think so, however my nay say DH is saying I won't sell any of them. I am getting ready for a 3 day festival over 4th of July weekend that usually gets 50-60thous. over the 3 days, probably more since the 4th hits on Friday and people have the weekend. He is saying I'm planning on having too much of everything. I'm going to bop him over the head! I figure this is something quirky enough that I can sell cheap enough that I should sell a lot and make a little bit of profit on them.

I think it's more of a woman thing, my husband thinks it's a waster to buy those garbage disposal freshener packs, but the work...so I buy! I hope you sells lots of everything at the festival:yay:

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Susan, there is a slight residue left in the sink. I think it depends on how hot the water was to completely dissolve the baking soda and citric acid and I'm sure it depends on how long you leave it in there. All the times I've tried it, there was just a slight residue that I wiped the sink with. I guess that's why it's safe for all sink types 'cause there isn't enough left to "scratch" the surface.

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