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USP Preservative Effectiveness Testing!!


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I sent my body creme into a lab for USP Preservative Effectiveness testing. After reading all the advice here from the pros, I decided it was something I needed to do. It cost me a fortune and I thought, OMG, what happens if it fails? I can't afford all this testing! Well, I just got my results back and my body creme passed both tests with flying colors!


I am so relieved!! I use grapefruit seed extract as a natural preservative but I have read a lot of pros and cons regarding the effectiveness of this in body products. I now know this natural preservative has been challenged in a lab and I can be confident I am producing a wonderful, natural product!

Now I need to get busy and start making more body creme! :grin2:

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Grapeseed oil is very good to use.

No, I use Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) as a natural preservative in my body creme and it has a very long shelf life. Grapeseed Oil is different.

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Thanks for this info. I have read about the benefits of GSE, and then read other info that contradicts it. So it's good to hear that it's effectiveness in a product has been shown in a lab. :grin2:

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I'm curious as to when you had your cream tested....was it immediately after you made it??? With only using GSE as a so called preservative system, I'd definately have it tested again at 3, 6 and 12 months. I have never seen any actual facts that is prevents a broad spectrum of molds and bacteria.

Are you putting a shelf life on your cream?? I know personally I would never sell a cream or lotion with a shelf life of 6 or 12 months without the proper preservative system, and GSE is definately not it. Also, if you read about the processing of GSE you'll find it isn't all that natural either!

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I make my lotion to order so I don't have it sitting on a shelf anywhere. I sent in a batch I had made a few weeks earlier. The USP perservative challenge testing did not require that I submit a sample that was a certain age. They challenge the preservative by actually introducting bacteria, mold and yeast with a broth of some kind. The tests showed that GSE held up to this challenge and I have the documentation to support this.

I tested my lotion early last year, that I personally use, with the testing kit from Snowdrift Farms. I tested it when I made it, 2 months later, then 4 months later and this testing did not show bad things growing in my lotion. I was done with the jar by then. I will do more testing this year.

When I discussed my testing results with the lab they told me they have had lotions with artificial perservatives fail their testing. You are required to disclose your preservative so they were very aware of all the ingredients in my lotion. They have additional tests available that aren't as expensive as this initial test so I am looking into these also. This initial test cost me $900 so it was not something I did without thought.

I have read that some companies add things to their GSE so yes, it is important where you buy this from. I get mine from GloryBee Foods.

If others are more comfortable with artificial preservatives then I would say stick with what makes you comfortable.

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Could I ask where you sent your lotion to have it tested. You must have a great lotion recipe to withstand that kind of testing. Good for you. :grin2:

Thank you so much! I was so happy to get my results. I know others may not agree with my using GSE but I feel very committed to keeping my lotion as natural as possible. That is just me and I feel more confident knowing my product did pass those challenge tests. I don't judge others for how they make their soaps and B&B products. We all have to follow our own inner voice.

I worked with BioScreen Testing Services in California. I went to their website http://www.bioscreen.com/ to read up about the company, then I emailed them at info@bioscreen.com asking for a quote. I worked with Orly Zargar and she sent me the quotes and answered all of my questions. Believe me, I asked her a LOT of questions. Also, when I got my results back I still had questions and the lab manager called me. Their customer service is excellent! Actually, I emailed several different testing labs and BioScreen was the only one that answered my immediate questions, and actually called me.

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