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First batch of whipped soap


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Turned out better than I expected. I haven't attempted to clean them up yet, but I have a feeling they'll just be for personal use. I had to cut these with a knife, so they did crumble somewhat. By the next batch, I hope to have a wire cutter made. *pokes DH*


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Yeah, the weight difference is amazing. I bought a bar from Brenda about 2 years ago, and have been wanting to make it ever since. Such a light fluffy soap. If mine is half as good as hers, I'll be happy.

And I gotta admit, I love the ease of making it. The downside is that this stuff seems to stick to molds. I lined this batch with freezer paper, but I'm just not a good liner. I always end up with curved bottoms on my soap. :sad2:

So, now I'm either being brave or dumb, and I'm going to try an unlined batch. We shall see how it goes....

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Donna, if you are good at wrapping presents then look at lining your mold this way..... you are wrapping the inside of the box...not the outside.... inside-out wrapping. wa la!

Also after I line mine, I spray it lightly with Pam cooking spray.... you don't have to use the namebrand...any brand will do. It helps release it from the freezer paper. you can also do this with any of your fancy molds to get any of your soaps out...works like a dream. I even spray it in my flexible molds and my soap pops right out of them.

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Oddly enough, I can wrap a gift beautifully, but I just can't do it backwards to save my life. The corners are never even.

I have used PAM a few times before with regular CP, but I didn't really like it. It seemed to leave an oily residue on my soap that I couldn't get off.

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I have used PAM a few times before with regular CP, but I didn't really like it. It seemed to leave an oily residue on my soap that I couldn't get off.

Pst....Donna.....Have a paper towel beside you when you're cutting it and then wipe the edges of the bars. The cooking spray comes right off :grin2:

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lol Jennie, sure you can call.... but that doesn't mean I'll answer the phone :laugh2: .

Just print out your recipe and directions and read it over several times. Have everything set up ahead of time and your mold ready...colors ready... then go for it, you'll do fine. Once you do it your mind will start thinking of other ways to mold it and such.

Oh, and Donna.. you said you couldn't get the excess oil wiped off? Wipe off what you can and the rest will incorporate into your bars.

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Ok, ok, I'll answer the phone.....

Me: Hello?

Jennie: It's Jennie, I'm making whipped soap!

Me: Well then what are you doing wasting precious minutes calling me....get back to that soap before it all hardens on you!

Dump it in the mold!! Dump it! dump it!

Jennie: Well, I wanted to know what colors you think would look good together...here's what I have.... ............

Me: WHAT? You didn't have them picked out before hand? *faint*

Jennie: What fo do you think I should use?

Me: I dunno! Just grab one and pour it in!

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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