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Fixed my wax, now wick troubles!

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I finally found the right soy wax and right % to add to my paraffin...nice tops on second pour, awesome hot and cold throw (even better as a blend than before), but now the wicking. The soy % is only 20% and it is 415. 44-24z's double-wicked in a 10 oz seamless apothecary worked great before the addition of soy. Same wicks nearly drowned on my 1st test burn last night with the blend. I have 51s and just threw them in to try later today, although that seems like a lot of wick for a mostly paraffin blend in this jar. I have a ton of other wicks, but I was afraid the jar would get too hot if I double-wick with some of the hotter wicks like RRD's HTP's and Eco's. I don't want to single-wick this, even if I could...I really hate big fat wicks.

I guess that 20% of soy makes a big difference!!!

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51z's did better, and I threw in some 44P's to see because I thought (heat-wise) they would be in between the zinc and the coreless wicks. The paper wicks got a full melt pool really fast but with miniscule flames.

So, I am thinking that some of these wicks just aren't allowing the wax and Fo to flow fast enough to fuel the flame? Does that sound right? So I should maybe try smaller wicks designed for veggie and viscous wax like RRD or ECO, or maybe I should cut back on the FO, or maybe both (I kind of went for overkill with 9%).

Any thoughts?? Does it sound like my thought process is making sense?


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you said you have eco, htp, and rrd right? You haven't tried any of those?

If you are happy with your formula right now, then keep trying to find the right wick, then if you can't, start working on your formula again.

What wick works without the soy? Try taking that and bumping it up, one or two sizes.

You could try the paper wicks and wick up. Sometimes a larger flame will slow down the melt pool.

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