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I took on the Challenge

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I live in a DW and wasn't offended by the trailer trash angle of it (cuz I know I'm not lol),~~but a couple of your scent names/descriptions made me go>>:shocked2: and :o

However, I think your name is awesome, and your logo, home page, and product page are *very* nice~~you should take that ball and run with it!

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When I saw "Tattered Silk" I thought it would have a MiddleEastern theme and be upscale. The whole Trailer Trash thing, IMO, is completely offensive and I can't imagine anyone even bragging to their friends that they bought this great candle--from "Trailer Trash Candles". KWIM? I think the whole trailer trash thing is so derogatory! Couldn't you just drop it altogether and come up with some classy names that fit with the Tattered Silk line? It looks like you put alot into your descriptions with the candle company. I think if you did a bit of research on the MiddleEastern angle you would come up with some great names/scent descriptions that would appeal to a broad audience. As it is, I think the trailer trash angle would be tacky in alot of people's eyes and make them shop elsewhere. JMO

Edited to add: Your website looks good though, so far! I like the colors and the general feel of it. I definitely think you should stick with upscale though. Don't forget istockphoto for some pretty pics too!

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The way I see it is, you never know if it's going to work until you try. Maybe it won't be popular, maybe it will. As the OP was very creative in coming up with these names and descriptions, I'm sure it'd be no problem for her to do an image makeover if this line turned out to be less popular than she had hoped.

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