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Thinking of going wickless...??

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Well I am thinking of making Wickless Candles in Mason Jars.

I use CBA. I need some advice on doing this.

I make just tarts and dipped critters now, but want to expand.

Do I need to heat my jars? Would the temps be different then tarts?

Anything else I should know would greatly be appricated??????

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I use 4oz tins and never had any problems either. BUT I think it was bugtussle who has had 1 or 2 of her tins catch fire (she makes thousands of them) do a search for tins and fire maybe you can find it.


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BUT I think it was bugtussle who has had 1 or 2 of her tins catch fire (she makes thousands of them) do a search for tins and fire maybe you can find it.

That was for WICKED tins. I know Carole makes so-called wickless "candles" (a candle is not a candle if it doesn't have a wick), too, but the thread was about wicked tins. Plenty scary for sure!

If you keep on searching, there was a good thread about someone who had a wickless glass container shatter, blow glass all over the place not to mention wax - a good testimony to what can happen (though not often). Best defense is not to use glass for melting wax from underneath. There is also a thread about candle melters which melt the wax from ABOVE the container (with a light bulb I believe), which sound like the safest bet for glass containers. HTH :)

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