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double wicking trouble

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Im trying to double wick a large container but even if i use the smallest wicks i can find i still get a full and very deep melt pool in only about an hour or so.Im using 70/30 a mixture of j223 and pure soy with paraffin being the majority.Ive tried cd 2 and htp 31 and pure cotton 36-24-24 still no luck.Any suggestions? Thanks

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As Stella said, some more details would be helpful. I have had this happen to me several times before. Even though the flames looked like they were about to die, I still had a deep melt pool. Are you sure you have given the candle enough time to set up fully? (I ask because I have been impatient at times and burned too soon). Also, those are some hot burning wicks and since you have mostly paraffin, you may need to switch to a cooler burning wick. I find CDs and HTPs both burn hot (no exp. w/ cottons). Paper core and zinc should (I believe) both burn cooler.



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but even if i use the smallest wicks i can find i still get a full and very deep melt pool in only about an hour or so.
Try single wicking instead.

Afterthought... did you test this container all the way down? Or at least halfway? Things change as the candle burns down into the container... HTH :)

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Yes i burned it practically all the way down.That would take a really big wick for that container what would be a good one?

I honestly do not know what to suggest because of the amount of paraffin contained in the blend. For sure it won't need as large a wick as a 100% veggie wax candle would... I use CDNs because I use 100% veggie waxes. When one is using 70% paraffin, things change considerably...

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