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Help needed please :)


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Hi Everyone

I'd love to start a B & B business that incorporates my two loves anything to do with honey and Egypt ( i know sounds weird, but my dad is a beekeeper hence the honey thing and i've been facinated with Egypt my whole life) can anyone help with ideas on how i might be able to match the two together esp a name or what other honey type products i can sell along side the bath and body stuff

I've got as far as thinking about adding honey and essentials oils that the egyptians used into products but thats it.

Any help would be greatly apreciated

Have a lovely day


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I think your themes fit right in with the whole Egyptian culture...think 'Milk and Honey'. There are SO many milk powders and variations of milk powders, honey powders, clays, that make wonderful B&B products. I would create a line of milk and honey milk baths and or salts, then incorporate specific EO's, herb infusions, etc to each to market each one as being for a differnt benefit. Like Camphor, Rose, Eucalyptus for a muscle releif bath. Then do one with Lavender, Chamomile, and something for Relaxation. You might have to do your research if you want to be true to the Egyptian culture and what they had available at the time, region, etc- OR you can say 'It's what Cleopatra would have used if it were available!' Or something or other to that effect:smiley2:

Just about any kind of powder or clay can be incorporated into a bathbomb or scrub. Honey and milk powders are powerhouses in skin care / B&B line.

Personally, I think it's a perfect fit. I think they Egyptians are one of the more famous cultures for using natural items for everyday beauty and health. It would be great to find a way to use 'Milk'N'Honey' in a business name somehow, or at least an extensive individual line. I imagine a larger semi translucent golden 'drip' shape with a smaller white repeat image inside the bigger gold one. :yes:

Have fun!

I just thought of 'Pampered Pyramid' ... but is it just me or does that sound like 'Pampered Period' ?:undecided

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WOW!!!! thank you all sooooo much for your great ideas, they have all really got me thinking as there are some things i'd never have thought of in a million years,

Thank you so much everyone you have all been such a huge help, i'm off to nut somethings out :cheesy2:

Have a great Day

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Hi Again Everyone

i've decided to just go with a honey name as that's going to be the majority of my products, though all the names you all came up with were great esp bee- o- patra hahaha i loved it!!

So now i need your help all over again :o , can anyone think of a great honey / bee name?

Thanks again everyone


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Hi Again Everyone

i've decided to just go with a honey name as that's going to be the majority of my products, though all the names you all came up with were great esp bee- o- patra hahaha i loved it!!

So now i need your help all over again :o , can anyone think of a great honey / bee name?


Okay, are you ready for it? QUEEN Bee-o-Patra!! :grin2:

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