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I finally have Liquid Soap


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I am so pleased with the way this turned out. It's not as orange as it looks in the pic. It's a has more of a yellow color to it. I was hoping for more of a clear liquid. I'll try cooking longer on the next batch.

This stuff fights grease better than Dawn. Just from the clean up stuff I washed the dishes in it sink was full of bubbles and no greasy feel on the plastics at all. It did make them a little slippery until their rinsed.

Thanks for looking.

liquidsoapff0.th.jpg liquidsoaplq5.th.jpg

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Good job, nice looking LS!

The amber color comes from the oils you used. The darker the oil the darker the soap. CCO makes almost completely clear LS (it is clear when liquid) as does castor (which is an oily alcohol according to Ms. Failor). Add a little color to it, for some reason it will it will look even cleared and lighter in tone. Personally I like the amber color.

Isn’t LS great? I haven’t used any commercial soap in about two months now (ok, I do have a bottle of dish soap I’m trying to use up, and I need to come up with a low suds recipe for laundry).

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Looking Good!:highfive:

I learned on that same formula:cheesy2:

You used sunflower and coconut oils and that has always given me a very pale yellow soap. But, you can cook this same formula to a point where the paste is a very dark amber and that will not only affect your color but other things as well. I've used various oil combinations since I learned on this one and the color is usually the same except for one or two oils. I think your first attempt is beautiful!:)

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