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Anyione ordered from SoapSillyWholesale?

theresa t

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Not sure if this is being posted in the right place or not so if not, moderators please move this to where it belongs and I apologize for posting in wrong area.

I just wanted to know if anyone has ordered from them lately? I placed an order on March 4 and still have not heard anything from them about my order nor have I recieved it. I really needed the oils I ordered and with the prices they charge for them you would think they would do a better job of shipping them out or at least communicating with those that do order from them. If anyone has had any experience with them please let me know. I don't normally worry about suppliers but this one has me sweating a little!


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Well I finally got a reply back from them only after filing a dispute thru paypal. I was told that they sent me an email letting me know the fragrance I ordered was on back order. On their site it said it was available so I ordered it. Anyway, supposedly they are sending out the package today and I am supposed to get an email with the delivery/tracking numbers. After reading the thread you sent me, I am even more worried than before. I really needed those oils a week ago and thought with what it says on their site that I would have had them by now. I checked all of my emails, including the spam and junk mail before deleting anything and there was never anything there. They say they didn't receive my email either, although I went directly thru the email for customer service. We'll see how it turns out though. She didn't charge me any shipping so if I get the package I will be happy but as far as ordering again, I'm not so sure. They are the only place that has the pink magnolia that I can find so I may have to try to mix my own in the future if I can find out what is in it and the amounts of each to do. What a pain this has been. Funny isn't it that after I filed the dispute I get an answer from them. Like I said, we'll see what happens and I will post here. If the package ships today as she said it would,then I should have it by weeks end.

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I had enough of an issue with them that, coupled with all the other negative experiences I've read, I will not be ordering from them again. That's one I can mark off my list to not bother with, and cut down on the clutter in my mind and notes.


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well the day is over and I do not have the tracking number as promised by them. I have very few customers left due to me pretty much closing down due to going back to work and issues from a back surgery about 2 years ago. Anyway, I sent an email AGAIN and got this response back from them immediately:

"Thank you for contacting us. If you are inquiring about your order, please be sure to include your order number or we will not be able to pull up your information.

Thank you and have a lovely day!

Soap Silly Staff"

This came right after I hit the send button on my email to them. I really don't know why if they tell you they are going to do something they don't do it. I read the thread sent to me by a poster on here earlier today and I certainly see why they would be losing customers with the kind of service or lack of service they are offering! My oils supposedly were on back order and they were supposed to have emailed me.....I never got it. They say they never got my email to them. Do I believe that when I sent the email to the same email address I just sent the one to today? I took it off of the paypal payment and it is the only email I have for them and according to that email they DID receive my email....I got the same response the last time I sent them an email right after I hit the send key. I really don't know what is going on but it is getting down right crazy. They are the ONLY supplier of the Pink Magnolia that I have found.....no other suppliers carry it so I went through them to get it. I make things for my family, friends, loyal customers that work with my husband....I can't tell them no since they buy so much from me, and then for myself and this scent is very popular with all of them!

It's frustrating! But I have learned that I will not be ordering from here again....EVER. I will just have to relay the issues to customers I have about this company and let them know that I can't rely on them to supply me with what I need. It's a shame and with the charges of their oils......$18.99 for an 8 ounce bottle.....wow....they could really use some of that profit to take some customer service classes to learn how to be more customer friendly!

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I did finally get the tracking number for the shipping on the oils ordered. It was emailed to me later last night....much later. It says it was being shipped FedEx so I am hoping I can see today when it is supposed be delivered. With all the reading on this one, not to mention the hassle this has been, it will be the last time of ordering from them.

**Thanks for moving this for me....I really had no idea where to place this at! Sorry for the wrong placement to begin with!**

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I did get my order today! I'm glad that I did but just wanted everyone to know that I did get it and am very happy with the scents I got. I'm not so sure that I will ever order from them again but, we'll see. It's just been a mess with this but at least I got what I ordered and now I get to making what I need to make!

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I just placed my first order with them this month. I had no problems at all. It didn't take long to ship or receive anything. Of course I didn't have anything that was on backorder. And the scents ROCK! I will definitely order again. They have sooo many scents I still want to try.

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I was never sent an email telling my stuff was backordered...no communication whatsoever.....that got to me anyway! I know each time I sent them an email I got the message I posted in one of my other posts almost immediately after I sent the email but, never got any responses back.

I'm glad that it worked out for you as well as it....for me it didn't and for others I have read on here it wasn't so easy either. I know that they are the only place I have found that carries the Pink Magnolia and I have customers that I am hanging onto that love it!

I just don't know about ordering again from a place that leaves a bad taste in my mouth or that I have problems with.....it makes want to spend my money elsewhere!

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I have not ordered from her because of all the negative feedback about poor service. It is a shame because I have heard that her products are great. The number one thing a business should have is good service!

It is sad about the customer svc, because they have some wonderful oils- Pink Magnolia, Marshmallow, Pineapple Fields, & Hamaku (sp.?) Banana. I keep hoping they will sell the oils to a co. that is reliable.

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