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I agree with both of the above suggestions. The wax for the marbles should be a little thick but not too thick, a little more dye and stirring a little more before putting in the mold. Should be a thick slush when you add the dye.

Would just like to add that I really like the two on the left, very unusual coloring, very unique.

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The dye was not thin enough when I poured the ones on the right, I see that now.

The one on the far left is a white and blue chunk with red overpour and the other one is an ice candle. I mixed ice and green chunks, poured, then put the candle back into the mold and poured a peach/coral in to fill the ice holes.


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I suggest buying some polycarbonate molds ... www.candlewic.com has a fair selection ... since they are clear plastic. They're really great for learning the marble technique since you can see what's happening. The only thing w/ those molds, however, is that some solvents in a lot of FOs will etch the plastic, which will make them opaque. So, if you decide to use the poly molds, no FO.

The two on the left are really interesting. I would love to have a closer view on the candle 2nd from the left. Thanks for letting us know that the one that I like in particular is an ice candle. You just inspired me to try that technique sometime.

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Here are 2 more pics.

I put green chunks and ice cubes in the mold, poured IGI 1218 with nothing in it so it would stay translucent. Then when the ice melted, I took it out of the mold, dried it out, poked some holes thru it (bottom to top) so the wax would reach all the ice holes, put it back in the mold and poured coral colored wax in. I think too much of the coral reached the outside of the candle cause of the shrinkage. I wanted more green but, oh, well.

Oh, I used a wick pin.

Thank you for taking an interest.

I do not think I'll get plastic molds cause I use the heat gun too much. I'll just have to practice, practice and read.




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