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J223 users anyone getting crackling?

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J223 users, is anyone else getting crackling but no visible water when heating the wax, lack of scent throw and depending on what wick you usually use- large mushrooms and excessive sooting that you usually do not have?

I have been using this wax for years and have dealt with the variances that can be expected but this is odd.

I have tried everything. Wicked down, changed the scent, reduced the FO load, tried one with no scent or color just to see if it was indeed the wax and it is. I am guessing I got a bad batch but I called the place I purchased the wax from regarding this issue and to no surprise I was told I was the only one to complain.It would be interesting to see if anyone else is having a problem. Thanks :D

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I heated above 200 and the crackling never stops and you can't see any water in it. Usually when there is water you can see it at the bottom of the pot when melted or even sometimes when you break the wax. But this is completely dry- no condensation, the slabs are not cold, nor was it stored anywhere cold. I bought more from different supplier and it is not crackling so that would rule out the temp. It is just this batch. I have dealt with water in wax before and know what to do but regardless of just the crackling the performance issues have me puzzled.:undecided Any thoughts?

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Hmmm, I am still testing J225 (I know, not 223) but I was most surprised by the 225 - it was the only wax to have 100% glass adhesion for a prolonged time in different temps.

After pouring and cooling, I have put it in cool to cold places and warm to hot places and it still has perfect 100% glass adhesion.

I am very pleased with this wax so far...not sure how it compares to the 223 - I have read that others on here didn't see much difference between the 223 and 225 other than the price...

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The last two boxes of J223 I used from a batch of 5 i bought did just what your describing although the scent throw is fine and no unusual mushrooming with the wicks. I buy locally to save on shipping and they have raised their prices on that wax by $20.00 a box in the past 3 months so I have decided to go back to the tried and true, but very messy, "Comfort Blend". Not going to pay that price for wax that doesn't perform like it should.

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