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Can I sub?


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I am almost out of coconut oil and can't get to Wally World over the weekend. I have alot of PKO though. Can I replace the coconut with PKO? The recipe I currently use calls for 15% of each.

I guess if I posted it would help.

15% coconut

15% PKO

25% OO

25% Soybean

5% Mango

15% Crisco

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If this matters any and you're using LouAna co76, I recently recieved an email in response to my question to them on what the sap value was for their small sized co from Walmart was.

Thank you for your inquiry.

The saponification number for RBD coconut oil ranges from 250 to 264 mg.

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Basically the two oils are interchangeable. That doesn't mean the result will be precisely the same, but the difference depends on the particular batch of oil and what form of it you bought. I've seen palm kernel offered at maybe 3 different levels of hydrogenation. The most saturated one would have significantly more stearic and make a harder soap than the least saturated one. Even CO comes at MP 76 or hydrogenated up to MP 92 (or even higher).

One point is: you can't take the differences in the SoapCalc numbers too literally. They're based on the information the author decided to use. When I looked up the iodine value and fatty acid profile of PKO from different sources, they all gave different ranges. Averaging them out, the difference between PKO and CO wasn't particularly significant.

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