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Wire Hanger Swirl

Groovy Chic

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Olivia can keep her board. I am currently deleted for not posting enough.

I've been a member of the dish since the same time, don't post a heck of a lot; they don't care if you like to read. Bye bye Whisk. I don't need this.


I don't post too often either but never got kicked off. I don't think not posting often has everything to do with it. Perhaps its the quality of what one posts when they do post that counts:wink2:

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hmmmm i still havent heard back yet.. this is the longest i have ever waited lol usually it is instant or you just have to confirm your email addy...

almost feel's like it is a sorority i am trying to get into LOL

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Olivia reads each app and approves membership personally - and she's not on every day, so it can take time - plus sometimes she misses one so if you don't hear soon let one of us know.

It's NOT like a sorority but it is like a club in that the membership is taken quite seriously. But like I said, it's not for everyone so if someone doesn't like it that's understandable - there are even (gasp) folks who don't really appreciate the wonders of CT too...

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