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Just talked to Cierra Candles

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I just called Cierra Candles and talked with them about the additives for the 4625. She said that even though it showed blended and no additives needed that some still needed them. She said they talked with IGI and they are the ones that told them about adding the vybar and steric. She said they use it all the time and it does fine. Am melting wax as I type to try this.

Called them back to see what temp to pour at. She said 175-180

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That is interesting, I had always assumed "preblended waxes" had vybar in it already. So adding more would just lock up the scent. Top is more knowledgable in additives, but now I'm wondering if some preblended waxes are have microwax in it instead. Not that we could ever find out what is really in preblended waxes but that is interesting.


Karen B

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I find it confusing as well. If it's pre-blended and has additives, we have no way of knowing how much is in there, yet it can be detrimental if we add some and it's too much.

I still think this whole thing is odd. You said you've used it for years and never had mottling. I've only been at this half that time but never saw either. With all the people in this forum, I've never even seen it mentioned. Yet it's popped up in the last year with no formula change?? I haven't had to buy any since last April.

Working on making a wax run soon... crossing fingers that I get my old stuff! :shocked2:

ANYONE who has had mottling with 4625 please respond!

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Found the thread.....LOL :embarasse

Holy smokes! That's a pretty mottle. :)

The idea of being able to mottle with 4625 is nice in a way. That's the main reason I don't do them often... one more wax to test. The problem is that if you HAVE to use additives, what's the point of using preblended?

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Sassy - did you use steric in them, if you did wouldn't that help them to mottle or not? When I make rustics I use Steric. Seems like I have read where using the steric helps the mottle, but they say not to use vybar because it kills the mottle. From what Cierra said it must not take much vybar to kill the mottle since they said IGI said 1 tsp vybar 103 to 3 TB steric.

Somebody chime in that knows more about additives than I do.

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