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Wholesale Newbie

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Hi all. I am new to this site. I just found it today. I currently make candles as a hobby and sell them by word of mouth.

I've been approached about doing wholesale at a flower shop and I am really, really excited. I don't know where to begin though. I know I need a tax id number so that I can buy at wholesale.

They have requested a sample and am going to give it to them tomorrow. It looks like my hobby is stepping up a notch and don't want to ruin it. I'm not asking for all of your secrets but just guidance on what to request from the flower shop and where I can find wholesale supplies once I get my ID number.

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Hobby + Wholesale = Disaster.

Big red flags are flying all over here. Probably your best bet is to search through this entire section until your eyeballs pop out and read nearly every thread. :) If you don't know where to get the wholesale supplies, chances are you aren't at the point to be selling.

Short version: You really need to have a business license, insurance and the whole shebang before you do any wholesaling. In other words, to wholesale to a business, you need to be a business. You need to have thoroughly tested anything and everything you would be wholesaling or selling. By the point you even think about wholesaling you'll have already shopped around manymany suppliers and tested loads of product.

Simply stated, candlemaking as a hobby (dinking, testing, trying, experimenting, etc.) usually evolves into more candles than you could possibly burn and the desire (or request) to share freebies with friends, which evolves into people wanting to purchase items (or you feeling like you are beginning to need compensation for what you're doing), which evolves into about where you seem to be now. To represent yourself and candle makers as a whole in the best light possible, take a few steps back, read up and then see where you are at and ask the appropriate questions. But right now, from your post it would appear you aren't an established business person ready to take the leap into wholesaling.

Welcome to the forum, though -- you are definitely in the right place!!

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Currently, I get some supplies from a place locally that sells scents, wax, etc. I get some online from Lonestar candle supply. I have been making candles for 4 years and selling to individuals as a word of mouth. I guess saying hobby was the wrong word. I am in the process of getting a dba and a sales tax id number. The websites that I have found do not seem to have really good "wholesale" pricing. That is how/why I found this forum.

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Currently, I get some supplies from a place locally that sells scents, wax, etc. I get some online from Lonestar candle supply. I have been making candles for 4 years and selling to individuals as a word of mouth. I guess saying hobby was the wrong word. I am in the process of getting a dba and a sales tax id number. The websites that I have found do not seem to have really good "wholesale" pricing. That is how/why I found this forum.

Most the suppliers we all deal with are wholesale prices. To get really good prices you have to buy in bulk..

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In Texas, check with Lone Star, Taylored, BCSouth, AAA. Their prices are wholesale & the only way you're going to get better prices is by pallet load. Look at the suppliers list (In Fragrance Forum.) or look at the suppliers by state on AH/RE site. Carole

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