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    Been making candles as a hobby and selling to local people. I've been asked to wholesale and I am trying to find information on where to start.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Currently, I get some supplies from a place locally that sells scents, wax, etc. I get some online from Lonestar candle supply. I have been making candles for 4 years and selling to individuals as a word of mouth. I guess saying hobby was the wrong word. I am in the process of getting a dba and a sales tax id number. The websites that I have found do not seem to have really good "wholesale" pricing. That is how/why I found this forum.
  2. Hi all. I am new to this site. I just found it today. I currently make candles as a hobby and sell them by word of mouth. I've been approached about doing wholesale at a flower shop and I am really, really excited. I don't know where to begin though. I know I need a tax id number so that I can buy at wholesale. They have requested a sample and am going to give it to them tomorrow. It looks like my hobby is stepping up a notch and don't want to ruin it. I'm not asking for all of your secrets but just guidance on what to request from the flower shop and where I can find wholesale supplies once I get my ID number.
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