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Help with Lexmark printer


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I have a Lexmark X1185 and it takes numbers 17 and 27 for ink. I ran out of colored ink so I went to Target and bought the pack that has both 17 and 27 in it. Came home replaced the colored one and now EVERYTHING prints a greenish color. I tried the cartridge cleaning and did a test print using my software. The test print came up with every color showing except RED. Even the alignment shows NO red where there should be RED yet there is blue and yellow. Even on the test print it's this way. I've had this happen with a HP printer in the past and it was the ink and they sent another cartridge but this really stinks when I have a large order to fill. Anyone had this happen or have suggestions I can try before calling Lexmark in the morning? TIA

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Would Target even take these back? I know it may be considered "electronic" so they may not. Bout to make some phone calls. I tried the cleaning and all the stuff on the troubleshooting checklist and no result. I just want to scream right about now .........throwing my whole production schedule off.

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Would Target even take these back? I know it may be considered "electronic" so they may not. Bout to make some phone calls. I tried the cleaning and all the stuff on the troubleshooting checklist and no result. I just want to scream right about now .........throwing my whole production schedule off.

Just called Target........they said to bring it in as I have my receipt and they will default it out and send it back. So here we go with another trip to the store LOL. Thanks everyone for responding..........My first thought was to call Lexmark as I didn't think Target would take it back.

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We use our old Lexmark all the time, as a doorstop! Had more issues with ink cartridges I was tempted to send them my gas bill for all the trips to return cartridges.

Also the ink usage was unbelievable having always been an HPer. (We bought the Lexmark for the store as it was cheap for a scanner combo compared to any of the HP's.

Learned a lesson, lol.


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AHHHHHHHHHHH :angry2: Can you believe I got not ONE but TWO bad cartridges??????? Thought maybe it was my printer. Took the old cartridge back to Target and got a new one and it did the same thing. Thus, my suspect was my printer. Cleaned everything, got on the phone with tech support, etc with no end result. As a last resort before buying a new printer, I went to Wally World and bought just the color ink and low and behold when I get home everything is fine. No problems with this printer ink. NEVER NEVER again will I buy ink from Target. (Sorry all of you who like Target)...............or is it Lexmark I should be upset with???

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I would be upset with Lexmark. I personally think that Target is awesome and that they should buy out Walmart. I think Walmart completely sucks and I assure you that if there was a Target nearby we would never go to Walmart. Sorry for the rant.... Anyways. I have used Lexmarks forever and absolutely love them...until I got my new one. A few years ago, two or three, we bought two printers, same exact kind, one for ourselves and one for my grandmother. Upon starting my business I repoed:D my grandmothers so I would have two. They worked wonderful until they both died from all of the stress I put them under (sheets and sheets of labels, traveling hundreds of miles in my trunk. They truly went through alot. The thing I loved about them was that I could refill the cartridges. It really helped on saving money. Well after they died I bought a new one from Walmart and boy does it do a great job but does it suck up some ink. My labels are black and white and one ink cartridge will only do about 20-30 full sheets and of course, with everyone finding ways around paying 30$ for ink cartridges, Lexmark now places a "serial code" on every ink cartridge and when it says it needs a new cartridge it expects a brand spankin new cartridge. (Boy is that a run on scentence if I have ever seen one..) No refills allowed. I think I am just gonna go to a laser printer. I only need black and white so it should work fine. Anyways, I am glad you got your printer working and I hope you never have the issue again.

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