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Liability Insurance


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Ok, maybe I am dense and maybe I am gullible but why would I get liability insurance for products with all natural igredients..........CP Soap, Sugar Scrup, Body Butter, etc?

I mean doesn't someone already know if they are allergic to a particular ingredient ad if they do not, how would it be my fault?

My question is...........Do I really need to get the insurance upfront? I was hoping to see how my business did before I spent the money? Does everyone who sells B & B products, have insurance?


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Ok, maybe I am dense and maybe I am gullible but why would I get liability insurance for products with all natural igredients..........CP Soap, Sugar Scrup, Body Butter, etc?

I mean doesn't someone already know if they are allergic to a particular ingredient ad if they do not, how would it be my fault?

My question is...........Do I really need to get the insurance upfront? I was hoping to see how my business did before I spent the money? Does everyone who sells B & B products, have insurance?Thanks,

Lets just put it this way, do you want to take the risk of losing everything you own because some idiot sued you because they broke out in a terrible rash from you product? Obviously you don't........so you get product liability insurance!! It won't matter if it was your product at fault or not, you will still have to defend yourself in court if it comes to that. This county is soooooooo freaking sue happy, why would you take chances!!

I had my insurance in place as soon as I started making candles and B & B products and before I handed out my first sample to a tester. :cool2:

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I have insurance and I carry all natural products. (and nearly all natural also).

I'm a really good driver too, and I have car insurance. :wink2:

I am always of the idea- better safe than sorry. People can take my body mist and accidently spray it in their eyes and try to lay blame. You just never know and the 300 bucks it costs me a year is worth the peace of mind.

I started out in Aug. 2006 and I got insurance in November 2006.

It's really worth it!

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I also think safe is better than sorry. Depending on where you sell insurance may or may not be required. The place I sell requires liability insurance. As for natural people may still have alergic reactions to natural products. Recently I had to explain to someone that has a child with nut alergies that using shea butter would probably not be wise. She hadn't realized that shea is produced from nuts. Not all information and products have been covered by physicans or sometimes it is just too much for everyone to retain . It wasn't one of my products but just think if she had used the product and it caused an alergic reation. There was no info. on the warning lable. That could have been very expensive for the maker of that product.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, maybe I am dense and maybe I am gullible but why would I get liability insurance for products with all natural igredients..........CP Soap, Sugar Scrup, Body Butter, etc?

I mean doesn't someone already know if they are allergic to a particular ingredient ad if they do not, how would it be my fault?

Not necessarily! I ate raw celery w/peanut butter all my life 30+ yrs and then one day, WHAMMO! I'm allergic to raw celery and started swelling from inside out, including mouth & throat. And, it may not be "YOUR" fault BUT, better safe than sorry!:)

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and what makes you think natural = safe? arsenic is natural. EOs are typically considered natural and you can certainly poison someone with those.

and what if you make a mistake on measuring? those toxic EOs I was mentioning...

And just because it's not your "fault" doesn't mean you are not in the lineup for a law suit. EVERYONE who touches a product is typically included - the retailer, the manufacturer, the ingredient vendors, the ingredient manufacturers, the landlord of the mfg properties, the landlord of the retailer, the label designer who didn't put the (appropriate) warning on the label, and every middleman along the way...

As for "up front"...? Not sure what this means - you thinking of waiting to get insurance until you ARE sued? All insurance is "up front".

and what makes you think those things are natural anyway - but that is another topic

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