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HTP Wick ?

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I don't have a pic at the moment but it is the 10 oz square footed container that Je Taime uses (u see it sometimes advertised here) it is 3.25" H x 3.33" diameter. Hope this helps.



Start with an HTP 1212. However, by the looks of her candles, she has them double wicked and probably for a reason.

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Carrie, she does double wick her candles, what do u feel is her reason and do u have a recommendation on the HTP wicks using 2? I am attaching a pic of the container I use, I tried to order frosted but all the suppliers of this container have discontinued it. I wonder why



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Carrie, she does double wick her candles, what do u feel is her reason and do u have a recommendation on the HTP wicks using 2? I am attaching a pic of the container I use, I tried to order frosted but all the suppliers of this container have discontinued it. I wonder why


ETA: Thought you were referring to the 18 oz. jar from the look of the jar in the picture. The info I gave in my post (below) mostly pertains to the 18 oz. jar.

That is the first jar I started with. With soy, it definitely needs doubled wicked or it will not get out of the corners. With the soy I use it definitely burns down before out and even with double wicking it was a bugger to get completely out of the corners unless you wicked it way TOO hot. Although, some soy may be easier. I only tested the C-3 briefly and can't remember how well it did in that jar, but I do know that you will have much better luck double wicking with any wax in that jar.

It is a gorgeous jar, but I stopped using it with my soy because of the slight bit of hang up in the corners. But don't let that discourage you. You may have better luck with the C-3 if wicked right. I am not sure on the HTP wicks (what size it will take), but I usually used two RRD 40's or 47's in that jar with my soy f I remember correctly.

Good luck with your testing. :)

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I just reread your other post and now notice it is the smaller jar of that style. You may be able to wick the smaller one with one wick, but not sure. The corners may still be a stinker. I never got around to wicking the smaller one. Sorry, I did not notice the size at first. In the picture it looks like the 18 oz. Pictures are sure deceiving.

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Hi Holly,

Well you are the first I've come across that has used this container! I don't think many do. I had purchased some candles from Je T'aime and fell in love with the container (and her candles, great sig. scents and great cold and hot throw) I'm almost certain that she uses something other than C3 not sure what though being that I am only familiar with C3. I thought I would start out with the 10 oz. and when I got that down to a science I would move up to the 18 oz. I haven't had too much of a problem getting a full melt pool, my problem is not so good scent throw. I've only been testing the eco wicks, I have used 2 4's, 2 6's and 2 8's. the 6's seem to be best for full melt pool, but not the scent throw I would like and that's based on using different FO's at 6% per lb of soy. This wick thing is rather confusing! So I am on to the HTP's and if they don't work then to CD's I suppose. Tell, me were you getting a decent throw even though it took awhile to get the full melt pool?


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Hi Holly,

Well you are the first I've come across that has used this container! I don't think many do. I had purchased some candles from Je T'aime and fell in love with the container (and her candles, great sig. scents and great cold and hot throw) I'm almost certain that she uses something other than C3 not sure what though being that I am only familiar with C3. I thought I would start out with the 10 oz. and when I got that down to a science I would move up to the 18 oz. I haven't had too much of a problem getting a full melt pool, my problem is not so good scent throw. I've only been testing the eco wicks, I have used 2 4's, 2 6's and 2 8's. the 6's seem to be best for full melt pool, but not the scent throw I would like and that's based on using different FO's at 6% per lb of soy. This wick thing is rather confusing! So I am on to the HTP's and if they don't work then to CD's I suppose. Tell, me were you getting a decent throw even though it took awhile to get the full melt pool?


Hi Kelsey,

I sure understand your frustration. I am one of the double wick type candle makers. I will single wick smaller jars, but if I want a candle to have a really good hot throw without the extra trouble in finding the right oil for single wickers that throw well, double wicking is the way to go. Athough, you still have to find the right ones, but I found a higher percentage are winners for me in double wicked candles. For example, right now, I am developing a spa line in the Madison jars. This jar is a little small for double wicking and since it is a spa line I think the single wick is more elegant. Fortunately, spa type scents go best in the bathroom, bedroom or salon massage room, etc. These candles would not necessarily have to be a house thrower or large room thrower. I have tested two fragrances so far in the Taylored 50/50 in this jar (just trying this wax in it right now) and one fragrance had a good throw for one wick but the wick was too hot. So today, I changed wicks (another type - HTP -- did not have a size down in the other kind) and a smaller size and the throw did not pass my standards. I don't think it was my nose. I bet if I put two smaller wicks in there I would have a killer throw with this oil (I know the oil) but it would be too hot. The flames would not be too big like the single wick was that was too hot but the two flames together would make the jar too hot. Also, it is not always the wick. Sometimes you can have the right wick that produces a good burn but the candle still has a lousy throw. This is when you have to remember that not all oils will throw well in every wax. Did you try several oils? I have gone through lots of oils in my testing and have lots of no goes for scent throw. But this "a lot" is from HUNDREDS of samples.

When I used those jars with pure soy, I double wicked them and got a great scent throw. One wick just cannot get the meltpool hot enough for a really strong throw in the 18 oz. and also would leave hangup in the corners. I have had some one wicked candles that are really strong and I have tested some myself that are good but it is not as easy to achieve in my book....to my nose anyway. This is just my experience.

I am not too much help on what wick you should try with the C-3. First, I never tested the C-3 in a single wicked candle and I don't remember for sure if it pretty much wicked the same as my soy at the time in a double wicked candle. I think it did, but not sure.

If the burn is good and you are getting a good meltpool, you could try a different type of wick but I have a feeling you should try another fragrance. The one that you are trying may not throw strong in that wax. Which scent is it?

Hope this helped some. :)

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I forgot. Does that lady use the 18 oz.? If so, her good scent throw was from the right oil with the right wax, double wicking and proper wicking. I have also found that some waxes will throw more fragrances better than other waxes.

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I looked at her site and she uses another jar that was one of the first jars I used. I still have some left and may use them again. They are the Morgan jars. Seems like I have the same taste she does. The way the wax looks it definitely burns easier than the CB-3 soy (Calsoy). I can tell by how the meltpool looks. It is definitely a soy that does not have terrible frost issues - from the pics anyway.

Focus on finding the right wax that works for you and one that you can get close to you and then focus on finding the right fragrances that throw well in it with the right percentage and right wick. Sometimes one has to try a few waxes to know which is the right one for your needs. PM me if you can.

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I tried that and it didn't say anywhere to send u a PM. I edited my profile to be able to recieve emails so u should be able to email me. I couldn't find anywhere to activate PM.


If you left click on my name above you should see "send a private message to Holly" down in the list. To enable your private message (PM) go up towards the top of the screen and to the left click on "User CP". You will then see boxes to the left side - click on "edit options" and then scroll down and you will see a box where you can check to enable private messaging. HTH

I need to get ready to go out, so I will PM you later. Thanks!

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She can't PM until her 30 days is up.

However, Holly you have given some excellent advise. :D

I did not think about that. Thanks for reminding me of the 30 day thing.

Also, thanks for the compliment re excellent advise. :) I tend to be a little wordy at times (have a detailed mind), but I try.

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