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**What's in your pot this weekend**

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I know Robin usually starts this post but she hasn't been on in a couple of days so I'm hoping she's out celebrating her new job....YEAH ROBIN :yay: .

I love this post and look forward to reading it every week so I thought I would post it this week :smiley2: .

My goal for this year is to build up my tart stock so I finally got my molds in and am ready to start. I'm going to pour 216 tonight, shrinkwrap and label them tomorrow and pour 216 more. Yeah!!!

What's everyone else got going...

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Making some B&B stuff for G'daughter's 16th b'day. She's a vanilla lover so making lotions, body mists & M&P soaps with several vanilla blends, i.e., vanilla lace, vanilla sandalwood, etc. And probably some vanilla lip balms & tarts. It's a good thing I love her dearly cause I don't even like vanilla!!!

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I'm going to start going thru the hundreds of containers I have...I'm going to pour as much as my body will let me do. Just got in 55lbs of container wax and my plan is to use it by next weekend. I listed a bunch of containers candles on ebay a few minutes ago and some of them already sold. I've got so many cute jars and such that I don't know what I'm saving them for so I'm planning on pouring candles like it's my J.O.B.

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Ohh.. finally caught one that isn't a month old!:D

This weekend "im planning on another 4 batches of T-lights, maybe some votives, and definately more wickless and pillars.

I'm stockin up for a week-long kiosk at my exchange, so got to have as much cash n carry as i can... so i need more Spring scents and just filling in on my Everydays that I moved back at Christmas...

Need more coffee and hurry up and wait on my cooling wax...



Kaylor's Kreations

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