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Lmaoo... glad someone brought that up. That always threw me. Cuz the whole point of differentiating ''oob' is to stress that it smells different once it's used...yanno... 'OUT of the bottle'. :confused: Lol. I get what it really means, but seems to only make sense if it were 'Roob' as in RIGHT out of bottle.

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=blazerina;625630]Lmaoo... glad someone brought that up. That always threw me. Cuz the whole point of differentiating ''oob' is to stress that it smells different once it's used...yanno... 'OUT of the bottle'. :confused: Lol. I get what it really means, but seems to only make sense if it were 'Roob' as in RIGHT out of bottle.[/quote]

Or at least AOOB (After OOB) for actually being "in the wax". :)

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Things that make you go Hmmm...

Why do we say OOB when we're smelling the FO still IN the bottle. Why isn't it called IB? :grin2:

Cause the oil is in the bottle but the scent is rising out of the bottle.

.....And then there is ITP which is sometimes a lot different from ITC :grin2:

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