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Suggestions for Lavender FO that smells like an EO in CBA ??

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I have a customer that sent me some Lavender EO from Maui. It's her fav Lavender, and wants some candles that will smell just like it.

However- it costs $10 for a 1/16 oz vial, not including shipping. She'd be willing to try a less expensive EO ( perhaps from CamdenGray, or FNWL), or even an FO that's as close as possible.

I mostly use CandleScience's Lavender, but am looking for suggestions/opinions in this matter. I use the CBA for all my colored candles, and she'll want them colored.

TIA :yes:

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You can get Lavender EO from 10 different suppliers and have 10 totally different scents. I get almost all my EO's from EOU (http://essentialoils.org/cart/index/0/0/?key=1) because I like the quality the best. There are several different types of Lavender and the only way you can compare them to what you have from your customer is to order samples of each and test them. :cool2:

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