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FO makes my shower gel base white??

Guest Candelishis

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Guest Candelishis

I started making lotion a couple weeks ago, and I'm pretty happy with it. So I decided to try some shower gel. I got some crystal clear shower gel base, and mixed it up with some distilled water, and when I added FO to it (Peak's Love Spell), it turned white! Is this gonna go away? lol. I was kind of disappointed. Is that what is supposed to happen, or did I do something wrong? TIA.

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It may just be that FO. Although I have made a ton of different types of shower gel scents, that is one scent I refuse to make (can't stand it LOL).

BUT, the other day I made some using lavish Laundry and it turned the gel totally white, this is the first time I've ever had that happen.

Did the supplier give you a max % load for this? I know most say 1oz per Gallon, but just curious if yours may be different since it's a concentrate. ??

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Wait a minute, is it a "concentrate"? If it's a base that is not a concentrate, but rather ready-to-use, maybe you weren't supposed to add the water? (I don't know if that would have anything to do with it.)

I was about to say the same thing. Once you intoduce water to any product, you have to also add a persevetive to it.

All of the shower bases I've seen, you just add F/O and no water unless you bought it from the gal who sell strictly concentrated bases. But I read on here she closed.:confused:


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Guest Candelishis
I was about to say the same thing. Once you intoduce water to any product, you have to also add a persevetive to it.

All of the shower bases I've seen, you just add F/O and no water unless you bought it from the gal who sell strictly concentrated bases. But I read on here she closed.:confused:


Hmm I thought I posted a follow up to this several days ago but guess not.

Anyways - I used Brambleberry's liquid concentrate base. Used distilled water like it said to do. It says it already has a preservative, and I used distilled water, so I'm thinking this is sufficient? Any thoughts?

In the mean time, the batch I've made so far has cleared up nicely. I've made 3 scents so far - Love Spell, Black currant Vanilla, and Pink Sugar. Just testing. I've been using it for a few days and gave a bottle to my mom and my best friend, and they both love it. I do like it, I think I diluted a tad too much. I like nice thick stuff, and mine is a little thin for my taste. Mom and the friend say no, it's fine. But i may try to make the next batch thicker.

ETA: Yes, Renee - I stirred, not shook. LOL.

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I was about to say the same thing. Once you intoduce water to any product, you have to also add a persevetive to it.

All of the shower bases I've seen, you just add F/O and no water unless you bought it from the gal who sell strictly concentrated bases. But I read on here she closed.:confused:


Fire, there are a LOT of different suppliers selling shower gel base Concentrates.

No, you do NOT need to add more preservative to it if you follow the ratio directions.

Candleishis-if you like your shower gel pretty thick you may want to cut back the water even more than what you want for the finished product b/c a lot of FOs (not all and depending on how much used) will thin out the gel, as will some liquid colorants.

Glad the lovespell cleared up for ya. :) that batch I made w/ lavish laundry stayed white-almost like I added white colorant to it-weird!

I'm gonna have to check out BB's concentrate. I used to use one from a local supplier that I really liked but she only sold it in small amounts which made it quite spendy!

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I had to ask! Like I said I was in major production mode, going between lotion and soap and I grabbed the wrong bottle and *SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE!* Once I heard it in the bottle sloshing around so freely my face fell, eyes grew wide..*facepalms* It happens! LOL

Glad yours are clearing up for you at any rate!

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Guest Candelishis
If it's designed to be diluted it should have adequate preservative for the finished product. So you should be fine as long as you followed the instructions.

That's what I thought, but like I said, I'm a total noob at b&b so I wanted to ask around and see what y'all had to say.

I had to ask! Like I said I was in major production mode, going between lotion and soap and I grabbed the wrong bottle and *SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE!* Once I heard it in the bottle sloshing around so freely my face fell, eyes grew wide..*facepalms* It happens! LOL

Glad yours are clearing up for you at any rate!

Yeah....I got to wisking away a little too vigorously one day and had some suds...LOL...

All 3 scents are clear - they all look the same now, except the Pink Sugar has a little pink tinge to it! So maybe it was just air, or something with that FO. But either way, it's all gone now!:yay: Thanks for the help everybody!!

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