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Ever heard of "Twice baked candles"?

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OK, here's my BIG problem. I have a LARGE order and the candles I am making requires a large amount of RED dye.

Problem: Saturday, poured 325 candles, using 50 drops of RED candle dye, and 25 drops of Coffee dye per 4 lb. pour pot. Well, after setting up all day, I put lids on them, warning labels and put back in their boxes for processing.

OK, so tonite, My DH and I start looking at the candles, and they (about 225 of them) are FULL OF WET SPOTS (not just a few, but dozens and dozens) , PIT HOLES (on the bottoms only), SMEAR MARKS (???) and just plain crappy!

I'm beginning to think the dye is the culprit.

Here's the recipe:

4636 WAX heated to 190, and poured 185-190 into room temp. 16 oz. square mason jars (actually I had the heat on all day to ensure no cold jars and even sat them out the nite before with the heat on!)

Each 4 lb. pour pot has 50 drops red, 25 drops coffee (dyes from Cajuns). Stirred, stirred, then added 4 oz. FO, Christmas Memories from Cajuns, stirred, stirred. Poured, looked so wonderful after 6-7 hrs. setting up!

3 days later (today) total crap. I'm baking them in the oven tonite to "smooth" them out.

All of you experts out there (I'm not being catty here), please tell me that the problem is the dye and not the wax. My other candles that don't require this much dye, don't have this problem, other than a few wet spots here and there.

Is there anyone that uses a LOT of red dye and DON"T have these problems???

My DH, son and I just got done putting together 325 gift boxes, in addition to me "baking" my candles in the oven. I'm bummed right now....:( :( :(

Help me please!


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Guest Candelishis

I've used a lot of red dye before, but never that much red AND that much coffee! It sounds to me like way too much dye. I hope that's the problem and you didn't get some bad wax. Maybe someone else has some insight too, but sounds to me like too much dye. HtH and good luck!!

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Sounds like a dye problem to me too. Have you tried to test burn one of these? Dye overload can clog your wicks and cause them to drown out also. (Not to make a bad situation worse, but it would be really bad if they didn't burn right).

Sorry for your troubles and good luck!

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OMG...That much die?

Have you made these before? If so, can you post a pic or just pm it to me...I would not mind seeing that color.

That is 12.5 drops of red and 6.25 of coffee = 18.75 drops per pound. IMO that is way over doing it on color.

I also agree with Traci...that can clog those wicks.

I hope this works out for ya...good luck

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oops, what a debacle. I despise shopping on the BCN website, but have to say they have the best red dye I have tried. You would never need that amount of dye to achieve a beautiful color. I have gotten dyes from other places that takes half a bottle to get even a light version of the color. I would change from Cajuns dyes if they are that bad.

:confused: v

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We used alot of red dye when testing...at the beginning of our "candle career". The scent was horrible - could not figure out why. I came here and was told that 12 drops of dye per pound should be the max. I have always followed that rule - have even tried to use less, just in case - and it seems to work.

I can't imagine what a panic this must be! Did you test this combo before this? We make ours in 6-jar batches - that is what they are tested at, but if I had an order that large, I am guessing I would be making it larger and figuring the color as I go. Is that what happened. If so, I guess that is a good lesson for all of us.

I would definitely test one or two to see how they burn. The wet spots would not bother me as much (even though they are not my favorite thing...lol) - but the pit holes might make me nervous. I am not sure where/what the "smearing" is.

I just don't know what to say to help you, but I hope they burn ok and the other issues are "fixed" by warming.

We purchase our red from Cajun also and we use a touch of black to darken it. I don't know if that will help in the future or not. I may try BC's red, since the other poster suggested it can get the same results with less.

Good Luck! Let us know how this works out..keeping my fingers crossed for you!


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Wow, I sure would have tested a few before making an entire order like that. That's a crapload of dye. Of course, I wouldn't have taken a large order for a product I hadn't fully tested either.

Thanks for all your comments.

Teresa, this is my signature candle during the Holidays and I sell tons of it, and have for the past 7 years. Same jars, same FO from the same supplier, same dye from the same supplier, same everything. Did testing, burn them myself in my home, no clogged wicks, no problems with the function of the candle, just the appearance all of a sudden. So, I'm thinking maybe my supplier is getting his dye from another supplier now since it's not working.

Anyway, I'm checking with them today. I'll test some other red dyes and see what happens.:) It's really ashamed because it's a gorgeous color and this is what the customer wanted when they saw my candles at a Hyatt Regency Resort Gift Shop that I've supplied this and other candles to for 3 years.

Thanks everyone!


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I got some cinnamon dye chips at Christmas that did that sorta. It looked like they had disolved in the wax but tiny pieces did not dissolve until I poured the candle. The next morning there were streaks of dk red in the candle. Could not fix them. Burned them myself. Most likely it is the dye that just did not dissolve completely. Carole

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Wow, that is A LOT of dye. Sounds like its way too much IMO. I'm sure this is what your problem is. I personally get my dye from Peak. Theirs is the best IMO and I hardly have to use that much to get a deep, rich color. Good luck in what ever you decide to do.

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