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    I make candles, and sell wholesale to stores all over the world.

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  1. I have been making candles for just over 3 years. One day I was at a friend of mines house, and she was burning one of my candles in the 8 oz. glass tureen, and I noticed the wick had fallen over, and was on the glass. It was black, and going to break any min. I blew it out right away, and come to find out it was because I had hot glued my wicks in, and the glue had melted. Well I learned a lesson that day to use the stickums, and not take a chance with the hot glue anymore. Unless they are so off center that they are going to have the fire on the glass it will most likely be OK. I don't think I would say anything to anyone, and if I did I would email them to let them know, and not use my own email. They may think you are jealous of them selling candles at the same place you are. Just my opinion! Robin
  2. I used that much red a few times, and had a hard time with them staying lit. I found out if you buy your dye at aaa candle supply there red you do not hardly have to use any to get a dark red. I'm sorry you are having this problem!
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