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Hurricane stuck in mold! please please help

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its my first time making any sort of candles.

i made a hurricane using IGI 1260 hurricane wax, added 5 small spoon of stearic acid vegetable as well. i used the water bath and when emptied the extra wax, left it in the fridge for 15 minutes. but whatever i did, i could not get it out.

so i melted the whole thing, cleaned the mold, sprayed some cooking oil on it and redid everything. this time, i left it in my room overnight for 8 hours upside down. it was stuck, and after 10 minutes of fridge, it was still stuck.

i tried melting the upper part (covering it with aluminum and putting it in boiling water upside down) to melt the upper part. still no luck.

plz plz plz, can someone help me out on this.

thank you

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What were you using for a mold? What temp wax the wax when you poured it? The temp of the water bath? Did the shell look like it pulled away from the mold when it was completely cool?

I use the 1260 as well, though I don't add stearic to it. Nothing but UV. I don't usually have much problem with it sticking badly. Mostly time and patience and even the stubborn ones come out. I've waited a couple days before. Usually with those, the surface is messed up at least some though, like one small part that stuck to the mold.

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Use some powdered mold release in your wax and spray with a silicone mold release and you'll have much better luck getting it out of the mold. Others may try different ways, but this has worked the best for me for several years now!! :cool2:

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Time for the power winch and the come-along!! :laugh2:

What were you using for a mold?
Good question, Ducky! If the mold is smaller toward the top than any point below it, the casting (hurricane) will hang in the mold. I HOPE that is not your problem 'cause that might require dynamite... *faint* You COULD melt it down, but blowing it up is so much more satisfying when destroying something that has been so frustrating! :yay:

Seriously, if the mold is straight sided or tapered in toward the bottom, leave it upside down in a cool place for a day or two... the wax WILL shrink a little and hopefully between that and the cool temperature, it'll slide right on out. If not, after a couple of days with no release, try some HOT tap water on the outside of the mold - that'll do it for sure but be careful not to leave it under one spot for too long cause ya don't wanna MELT the wax - just make it more cooperative. Hang in there!! :)

Be glad it's not concrete... :lipsrseal

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the temperature was 190 when i embeded a picture in it and put it in the water bath. the first time, the water bath was the coldest temp that i could use out of the tap water. the second time, it was room temperature.

my mold is, i think aluminum, bought from this store


its the round pillar ones. when it was completely cooled down, the shell doesnt budge at all. but the first time when i put it in boiling water, i was able to pull out the shell. however, the picture was still in the mold since the wax around it was melted. it seems that the wax just gets stuck to the mold somehow. i tried removing the upper thin waxes, and those ones seem to be grabbing on the mold :(

i went through the tutorial step by step. am i suppose to melt it once again and create it again?? is there any other way?

dynamite?? sweeet.

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Sam, did you get the 4" round mold? That is pretty small for a picture 'cane. I think those are aluminum molds. Tin molds work better for 'canes. The aluminum is thicker and it is harder to get the wax to frost around the picture. Also the tin molds are a little flexible.

The water bath should be between 80 and 90F. You pour temp is good for 1260.

Did you use mold sealant to plug the hole in the bottom of the pillar mold? If so scrap it off and try blowing into the hole. Don't laugh. It might work. If you had an air hose it would be even better. But be ready to catch the 'cane when it comes flying out.

The real secret to making picture 'canes is to let them cool completely before trying to get them out. As the wax cools it does shrink. Just set it upside down after it has cooled and check again in a day or two. Some aluminum molds are a real pain. I have a couple of square ones that are almost impossible to get the candle out. I sincerely doubt this one will ever just fall out of the mold.

Sorry to say. but you may have to start over again. Can you get a tin mold? It would be so much easier.

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it's a 5" diameter mold with no holes at the bottom :(

its just such a pain finding a place that sell candle supplies here in canada, specially a 5" diameter mold (high melting point wax and presto pot are in that list as well). i only found that canwax.com store through this forum.

would it really make a difference if i let it sit for a day?? should i just make a hole at the bottom with a drill and then blow or push it with something?

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would it really make a difference if i let it sit for a day?? should i just make a hole at the bottom with a drill and then blow or push it with something?

How long has it been sitting now? Sometimes an extra day will make a difference, but over that, you may still get it out but the chances of it coming out in good shape get much lower, IMO.

Have the sides released from the mold at all? I mean, can you seen ANY space? If there is air room around it, a hole probably wont help much since there shouldn't be a suction problem. But you would end up having to plug that hole back up real good to use the mold again...

I know you really want to save this one, but... it may just not work. Honestly, my suggestion for the next time, be it now or later, is to make a plain hurricane shell first, just for practice. It's not nearly as heart-breaking having to melt it or ruin it getting it out. If you get the hang of pouring, cooling, unmolding etc on a plain shell, then you'll know if it's the basic shell that's giving you the problem or the embedded picture. You can melt and repour the same wax over and over for practicing ;)

I didn't see any 5" molds there, but that size with no holes should be a hurricane mold so that shouldn't be a problem...

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ok good news. i placed it under hot tap water for like 1 minute, then changed it to cold cold water for 10 seconds... and guess what, it came out :D

it just made my day. thank you all :)

but since some of the wax was stuck, it left scratches. some other thin layers were also left on the mold. overall, its not that bad. i recall someone saying you can even it with old stocking and some liquid or something. any tips? thanx

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I have been making hurricanes for about 13 years. In the thousands. I finally ended up with using a high melt point wax and 1/2 oz of micro 180 per pound of wax. Nothing else. I clean my molds with "Pam" cooking spray and wipe it out very very well. Every once in awhile I spray some silicone in and wipe it out completely. Sharyl has the instructions on her tutorial. I don't use any mold release anymore. I pour my canes around 200 put in the picture and let it cool down to 190. Then it goes into the water bath would should be a little warmer than room temperature. Take it out and let it completely cool. Completely. Then if is doesn't just fall out of the mold......put it in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes. No longer. Watch it or it might crack. If you turn the mold upside down you have gravity working in your favor. Remember.....people get sick of me saying this, but "practice makes perfect"..........A long time ago, Sharyl and I practiced. That is how we learned how to do it so well. If you keep trying...you will see what is going on and learn how to fix it. Good luck and keep asking questions. Donita

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i made my second hurricane and here seems to be the problem.

the wax that is infront of the embedded picture seems to be the part that gets stuck to the mold and creates this outline that is pulled off the shell. the rest is fine, even above the picture is fine. but some parts of the picture up until the outline becomes devastating. i think it's the initial layer that solidifies when i use a wet towel to keep the picture attached to the wall. i tried taking those parts out of the mold, but its literally stuck. i have to melt it to get it off :(

i thought of putting an additive for my next try, but since stores are limited here and valentines day is right around the corner (yup, its for my girl), the only thing that i seem to find is "E-Z RELEASE 4 OZ". would that help? and if so, how much of it is needed for a 5" diameter filled to height of 6" in a round mold?

i will post pictures of my first hurricane ever :D and hopefully the second to come.

Thank you

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Sam, I know you are not going to want to hear this but it could well be the wax you are using. I made lots of picture 'canes using 1260 then ran into the same problem you are talking about. Seemed like every 3 one would get stuck. I finally changed to Candlewic 5055 wax. You may not have the option of changing waxes.

So clean that mold thoroughly. Put it in the oven upside down, set at no higher than 200 degrees, to melt out any wax. Wipe the mold out with paper towels. Spray a little WD 40 in the mold. Wipe thoroughly.

Print your picture on 24# paper, trim it and drop the picture in your melted wax. Leave it there for 3 - 5 minutes. That will get the air bubbles out of your pic. Set up your water bath. Check the temp of the water. Should be 80 to 90 F. Then go ahead and make you 'cane the same as you have been. This time after pouring out the wax, leave it sit for at least 8 hrs before trying to unmold.

I don't know anything about that mold release. It would help if you could get some Micro 180 but I don't know if it is available in Canada.

Good Luck

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i guess i'm stuck with this mold for now till i order some :(

should i leave the picture for 3-5 minutes in the melted wax when i pure it in the mold?? wouldnt that amount of time start to solidify the outer edge of the shell, which makes the picture look bad at the end??

also, i called one of these arts stores, and they told me that if i apply vaseline to the mold and thoroughly wipe it everywhere, that might help. should i try that as well?

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Sam, no to both questions. You put the picture in your pour pot filled with melted wax. Leave it in there until all the air bubbles are gone. Since you don't have a Presto, you can take the picture out and set it on something, pour your wax into the mold then drop your picture in the mold.

Do you have any WD40? Clean the mold with that, wipe thoroughly. There should be enough silicone in the WD 40 to help getting the 'cane out. If not use something like Pam veggie spray.

How about giving your sweetie an IOU so you have some time to perfect your technique.

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