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Entries in the 'Fugly' contest.


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Here are my latest attempts at winning the Fugly prize!

I seem to be able to get it to mottle when I want but Way too much dye in the orange one. It was supposed to be Coral! Also, too many bubbles and non-smooth surfaces.

DONITA, do I do the Gloss Poly and heat gun here too?

The green one was just an experiment to see what would happen, had no expectations at all.

Comments please.






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No way, Soja, those aren't fugly, they're unique and I love the designs!!! In love with the green one!

I actually like the surface texture if I get it on the mottles. It's like the rustics, since no two are the same, it gives the candle a history. And with history comes character.

Great job!

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Thanks for your positive comments people. :grin2:

The green one was made with some soft scrap wax that I cut into strips instead of chunks. I then poured a thin hurricane shell in the mold, placed the strips diagional inside the mold and pressed them into the still warm hurricane shell. Overpour was 1218 with ivory dye and pine scent. BUT, when the well started forming, I just opened up a hole and let it form for a day. The next day it had a big, deep well so I filled it with the green scrap wax. I don't know if this is why it has that green in the center or not but I'd like to think so.

I'll try live goldfish next time.......



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Soja....your candles aren't fugly....they look great. No need for gloss poly on those.......I really like gloss poly for making opaque candles, or to add to my hurricane wax when making embeds. Gloss poly makes my wax white. I like that you can see the green through the wax. That is why you want to keep it additive free so it is transparent. There aren't very many additives I use, but each one has a different application because I make so many different kinds of candles. I found out by accident, that by using mottling wax for my sand candles and using steric, it sorta gets a foamy look and resembles real breaker water. I just keep on learning. Donita

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