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Soap making


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Hi everyone,

I haven't been anywhere on the board since Nov. In the middle of me making and packaging christmas orders my step dad took sick on 12/11 and he passed on 1/4/08. So the holidays was very hard on my family with him being in the hospital and passing. I did manage to fill my orders, but after that I didn't do much of anything. So now with the intentions of helping my mom keep

busy I thought I would go ahead and make soap from scratch. This is something that we can do together. I found some really good recipes

on here yesterday and now I would like some suggestions on where I can get some good molds from. I checked out Paul's but right now those are out of my budget, but definitely in the future. Also can someone direct me to the thread that showed a step by step on the full process. I saw it back in Nov. but I can't find it now.

Thanks in advance,


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I know Robin's method is somewhere and you can go to the tutorial section and see processes there ... as well as making soap in a shoebox by Eugenia.

There's also what people call the Martha Stewart mold. Can't remember where, but if you look around, there are wooden organizers that you can use. Just about anything.

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Tasha, I'm sorry to hear of your step dad's passing. I am sure making soap together with your mom will be a good activity to keep her busy. For budget molds, you can also use a pringles potato chip can or one of those plastic boxes which are meant for you to organize things in.

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