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Round Soap Molds and CP?

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I'm refering to round soap cavity molds. I have used pvc before but I want to do a specific application. Basically I want to cut loofa into 1" round pieces and pour a light trace of soap into the 1.5" cavity mold, drop the cut loofa circle into it then pour soap around it and on top of it.

My concern is the whole gel process etc. In the molds I generally insulate so my soap gels. I'm wondering if cavity molds can be used for CP soaps. I'm under the impression that cavity molds are generally for M&P soaps. I'm I wrong with this assumption?

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Yes. I use Milky Way individual molds for CP. Gelling is tricky because they don't hold enough to create a lot of heat. In the summertime, I gel them in the sun. Maybe you can insulate using towels, or stack them in a gelling box.

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Faye, I love your rose soaps, they look beautiful.

I've been using this type of molds lately (I make HP soap)


I love the sheep one. I also have the His and Hers molds and the Bathtime mold. I can take these out of the molds even before they are completely cooled. That's how easy they release. I just spray some Pam in them.

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