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Ecosoya Pure Soy

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I tried doing a search to find info, but I can't get it to search for what I want. It does each word seperate. Can someone tell me the trick to getting the search to work? LOL

I am looking for info... I found a site that says it doesn't frost. I thought that was a problem with pure soy?

If anyone can help me find the info I am looking for I'd appreciate it.



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Thanks Jess, I have read the website over and over and over... I think I am hoping to notice something I missed. LOL

I know pour temps and techniques can effect frosting, but it is good to know it doesn't have to happen with this wax. I am trying to decide if I want to invest in this wax. I already use the CBA but am not sold on it. I am new to candle making and trying to find the "wax" for me.

Thanks again


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I love pure soy. It will frost in reds (and oranges and purples b/c they have red in them). Just about any color will frost after the first burn, except of course white. I still color it typically as dark as I can in the winter and lighter in the summer and just don't worry so much about the frosting. Truly most people don't mind!

I wouldn't even know what to tell you about preventing frosting because I don't even try.

Personally I like pure soy more than advanced. I heat to 165, add color. Let drop 20 or so degrees and add fo. I pour at very slushy, sometimes even chunky stage. Only large containers need a second pour.

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why don't you just buy a sample of each and try for yourself?

Everyone on here will have an opinion - some more than others will feel that their opinion is right, but at the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is yours.

There are people here who swear that Ecosoya Advanced has NO scent throw, but also people here who love it and get an awesome scent throw. The same goes for Pure Soy. Don't let the opinions of others here determine what waxes, fragrances and methods you use for making candles because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will have gotten different results with the same wax and FO - it may have worked for one person, but been crap for another person.

Your best option is to stop asking questions, because the number of answers you may get will just confuse you even more ! Just get on with making your first candles with a variety of different waxes and see which one you like best. Once you've made the candles, you can then come back and ask how to improve or change them etc!

Just MY opinion, which you can ignore if you like!

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I asked, you answered. I will not ignore. I actually have been making candles with the CBA. I have had great results with it so far. Or at least that is what my testers say. I am having an issue with my nose... I can't seem to smell the candles anymore.. even my partylite and yankee just seem to not be strong anymore (which I love). I was thinking of mixing pure soy and CBA, but I am the Question Queen... drives my DH crazy!! LOL I know if I dive right into any idea I have... I will end up with thousands of different things and still not settle on one. I have been reading scent reviews for days trying to figure out what I want, and from where. I don't want to end up getting stuff from all over. I know some are better than others, but I don't want to try one from Xsupplier, then I will "feel" like I need to stay with it if it works. SO i am trying to research as much as possible, make up my mind (almost impossible) and go from there. I am going to NG in a few minutes and I know it will not turn out like I plan. LOL It is great having them right around the corner, but makes it too convenient to "run and pick up...."

Thanks for your honest opinion. I know I need to figure it out and get to it!! Have a great day


P.S. I also don't know enough about the different waxes, pour temps, characteristics and things. I have to feel confident about something before I dive in.

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If you click on General Information over on the left you'll find a technique for comparing the scent throw of candles.

I used it at one time to compare the cold throw of the three CB waxes. CBA was a solid third. CB-Pure was maybe a little better than than CB-135 but not by enough to even be certain. They're not worlds apart, so other factors like how they look or burn might be more the deciding issue.

The results for hot throw were similar. This technique isn't as reliable for hot throw, however, because you have to blow out the candle. That eliminates the effect of the wicking and how they burn. However, I think the results for CBA being last are reliable because the contrast is always so great and many people are in agreement. Contrary to Natty's suggestion, there is a huge concensus about CBA versus the other CBs and soy waxes in general.

I agree with the advice that you should do your own tests and draw your own conclusions. However, the folks that resort to characterizing others or saying that everything is subjective usually don't have themselves sorted out well enough to reach sensible conclusions that they're confident about.

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I found that yesterday and have read all that come up. Some days I feel like all I do is read. A HUGE part of my problem is OCP. It does tend to make me over analyze everything. Like I said... I need to feel confident in my knowledge before I can dive in. I don't want to create a line with CBA, then find later that I really like something else. I know it is done alot, but that bugs me. I am trying to figure out what I want and then go from there. There are just too many factors to consider!!

I am driving myself crazy!! LOL



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Danielle, the only way you will gain confidence is to dive in and make mistakes. Mistakes teach you a LOT. If everything works perfectly from the get-go, when you DO have a problem, you'll be lost. Pick a product and begin. Once you have some experience of your own, you will better be able to understand what you need and what's missing from your craft. HTH :)

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I actually have made some progress... I have been playing for a while and want to get "makin", I have eliminated a few different wicks aready. Today I went to NG and sat on the floor for an hour and sniffed about 50% of their scents. Came home with a bag of goodies. Now I get to play more!! I have also made a lot of progress over the years with my OCP but that will be a life long battle.

I have experimented more than I say. I normally just ask guestions, my knowledge gathering compulsion.

Thank you very much for being supportive and not critical!


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Thanks for understanding that I wasn't fussing! :)

What's OCP?

I, too, am an info junkie. You are so fortunate to have a supplier so close to you! We have none, so our first few orders were a lot like playing Blind Man's Bluff. We found a very good supplier early on and made some candles which satisfied and inspired us which gave us a good confidence boost. Hope you are having fun!

PS Sniffing coffee grounds in between tests really DOES help "clear" your nose. My husband could not understand for the life of him why the coffee tin was out on the porch one morning after we'd received a big shipment of new FO samples and had a sniff-a-thon out there...:whistle:

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OCP = Obsessive Compulsive Personality.

"people with OCPD tend to stress perfectionism above all else, and feel anxious when they perceive that things are not "right"."

"People with OCPD may hoard money for future use, keep their home perfectly organized, or be anxious about delegating tasks for fear that they won't be completed correctly"

I don't hoard money... but my friends love to come over and "rearrange" my stuff because the organization bothers them! I have my own house cleaning business and OCP works great for that. My clients are amazed that I remember where everything goes. I fired my DH on the first wall when I started repainting our house. I have now repainted everything at least 2 times.... my DH just watches.

I have a few hang ups, candles being 1... I literally have over 100 dozen candles now. But some I will never burn because I won't have them anymore... I DO know how stupid that sounds because I am NOT enjoying them now either. I am trying to burn more... I am getting better... and for some reason I have NO problem burning mine... I think because I KNOW I can make more.

I AM fortunate, not only is NG 10 minutes down the road.... WSP is about 35 minutes away. I do much better when I can "fondle" the things I am thinking of buying. LOL. :yay:

I am excited about the wicks I have eliminated as "options". I really like how the CSN's are burning... nice BP, no shrooms to mention. Next on my test list is CD/CDN... oh question.... what effect does the acidity of wax have on the wicks... does it just make it brittle.

Now that I wrote a novel.... I am off to play in the kitchen more!

Have a great night


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Contrary to Natty's suggestion, there is a huge concensus about CBA versus the other CBs and soy waxes in general.

So what? Just because lots of people say the same thing doesn't mean that others won't disagree! She's already SAID she gets great results with CBA so your "lots" of people who agree that CBA is the worst of the bunch are not right in this instance.

the folks that resort to characterizing others or saying that everything is subjective usually don't have themselves sorted out well enough to reach sensible conclusions that they're confident about.

I assume that was aimed right at me - and my reply is "(insert word of choice here) off". You are resorting to characterizing ME by saying I've not reached sensible conclusions that I'm confident about, just because I'm advising this lady that she is going to get different answers from different people on just about every subject posted?????

As I think I have said to you before, I am perfectly confident in my products and my methods and I do NOT get the same results as you with the same waxes. It does not mean my results are wrong, they are just different. It has been argued so many times before on here about what should and shouldn't be the "right" thing to expect with candles and what wax is and isn't good -despite what you think - not everything you say is right and people just have to try for themselves.

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All I can say is you lucky b****. Living that close to 2 companies that offer so much is something I am sure all of us wish for. Eliminating the shipping at WSP is one lucky break. They skin you alive with their outrageous shipping. I wouldn't do business with them anymore unless I was you, LOL.

If you live so close to NG have you tried their Joy Wax? It is a soy blend. Before shipping became an issue, that was my only container wax. It is wonderful. My customers loved it. I live very close to Morris wax so luckily I am still able to get very good wax with no shipping charges.

As for the OCP, that may interfere with your decision making. But you sound like you enjoy this so just take it slow. Sometimes reading too much is actually detrimental. You need to just do it.

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Hey Ring of Fire,

I actually thought about the joywax, but after reading all the info on this site, and theirs, decided it might not be the one to try. It seems to be very inconsistent from batch to batch. I know it would drive me crazy to figure it all out and then have to start over. I am still playing with and testing the Ecosoya CBA. I know people have issues with the HT.... but I think this wax, wicked properly... and I don't just mean a good BP, works pretty good. It seems to be a wax that needs a certain kind of wick. I am currently testing the CSN's and having good results....I am waiting for my CD's to get here to test those also.

I might still play around with adding pure soy, just to see what it does. When I go to WSP I think I will pick some up.

Have a great day...


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Hey Ring of Fire,

I actually thought about the joywax, but after reading all the info on this site, and theirs, decided it might not be the one to try. It seems to be very inconsistent from batch to batch. I know it would drive me crazy to figure it all out and then have to start over. I am still playing with and testing the Ecosoya CBA. I know people have issues with the HT.... but I think this wax, wicked properly... and I don't just mean a good BP, works pretty good. It seems to be a wax that needs a certain kind of wick. I am currently testing the CSN's and having good results....I am waiting for my CD's to get here to test those also.

I might still play around with adding pure soy, just to see what it does. When I go to WSP I think I will pick some up.

Have a great day...


It was never inconsistent when I used it, we are now talking about 3 years or so. I too have read the good bad and ugly about joy wax on here. I used CD wicks and never had a problem. At that time I was making those grubby candles, in a jar, and that joy wax was the absolute best. It makes perfect "frosting" for grubby cakes and muffins also. I was never able to replace that look with another wax. The scent throw was exceptional also. See, it just all depends, LOL.

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I am soooooo jealous that you live that close to suppliers! I am in Az and aren't within driving distance. I have used several of NG FOs and really liked them. I just got about 20 more samples in to play with, but oh wouldn't I LOVE to be able to camp out on their floor and smell!! :drool::laugh2:

I have been using the Ecosoya 135 with pretty good results. Have quite a few scents that throw like crazy and some duds as well. I made 3 sets of testers using the CBA and had great CT, but no HT and I haven't made any since then. It could have been the FO, or wicks though.....

Right now I am playing with pillars and having a blast with the rustics. I do need to make up some more containers though....... guess I should get my butt in the kitchen! lol

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I was actually impressed with NG's FO's. The only one that I smelled that I didn't like, well wasn't what I expected, was Lemon Ice. To me it smelled like generic lemon furniture polish, I was expecting more of a "fair Lemonade". But all the rest were wonderful. I actually ate right before I went. I knew if I was hungry I'd buy more than I wanted. LOL It worked. I came home with 5 or 6.

If you ever want to know what one smells like... let me know. I can go sniff it for you. I did find that the descriptions they have online are pretty acurate.

With the CBA I have gotten HT, not knock your socks off.... but the one end of my house is pretty open and it does a good job of smelling up the place.

I think if I end up trying pillars it will be years down the road. I am heading out now to buy some tart molds. That sould be fun, at least I don't have a wick to worry about.

Have a great night!


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