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Liquid Dyes being consistent

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Hi Everyone, thanks for reading, I have to vent alittle

I have been buying liquid dyes from the same supplier for quite some time.. On a few occasions the thickness of the dyes has been different.

so I get this dye today, and pour some candles and the dye colors very lite.. I am really frustrated by how much it fluctuates.. I am paying the same price and I have emailed him and show him the differences in my last dye..not sure he will do anything about it..

does anyone have a supplier that has consistent dye, or close even..?? please share with me..

also I could have changed dye supplier but that would mean starting all over on testing.. so I am not sure what the answer is..I have always used liquid dye

anyone have similiar issues with dye??


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Diane, I feel your pain, I had a similar problem. I have tried 3 suppliers and finally ended up back to the first one. I ordered a brown dye that was so thick I couldn't get it out of the bottle. I e-mailed them and they said to put the bottle in hot water and it should be fine, well it's not. I then re-ordered the rust brown and it is a totally different color. I have been lucky so far as to how much I need to use that color but it is very frustrating to have the inconsistant results with these.

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You know, I've not had a problem with Peak's dye. Lone Star's hot pink is definitely that, but I haven't tried others from there. I feel it takes too much dye from Alabaster's, but I have bottles that need to get emptied. Another place I got dye from is no longer in business, sooooooo I'm sticking with Peak's. The only thing they may be guilty of is too much dye in a bottle, even with the dropper lol.

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I have found that liquid dyes will thicken with time due to evaporation of the liquid in the dye. Some of mine have gotten thick with age-not to the point I can't work with them yet, but definately thicker.

I'm wondering what the liquid is, and if it can be re-added. It should take only a few drops to reach the original consistency.

Anyway, I'm guessing the thick dyes you received had been on the shelf quite a while.


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Guest Candelishis

I recall reading on here somewhere that if you have problems with the dye thickening, especially over time, to add a few drops of oil to the bottle and stirring it up. That will thin it out a little. I haven't had to do it, so I don't know how well it works, or if it will lighten the color of the dye, and I don't even remember what kind of oil you were supposed to add, so you may want to do a search on that.

As for consistent colors, Peak's has never given me a problem, and I haven't tried anything else since I like theirs so much.

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Guest Candelishis
The only thing they may be guilty of is too much dye in a bottle, even with the dropper lol.

LOL - you're not complaining about that are you?!?! teehee. I do know what you mean though - they definitely aren't stingey with the amount of stuff they put in their bottles.

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The trouble I had was it was too weak, not to thick, and this has happen once before.

My supplier said he was going to look into it, because I sent him a picture of the huge difference in bottles I had received from him..

I appreciate everyone responding.. keep it coming..


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You did not mention the source for your dye, so I hope none of us are recommending them!

JBNs liquid dyes are the best I have used, have no odor, and come in a good plastic container with an applicator dropper top instead of a rubber dropper (which rots and allows you to dump enough dye into a candle to dye 50 lbs or so - don't ask me how I know).

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I also suggest Cajun. I have some dyes from them that are 5 yrs old. Other than some being a bit thicker, they work every bit as well. I have to put the thicker ones in hot water to use them, but I'd say that kind of shelf life is pretty amazing. I didn't care for the JBN, just cause they're a thin consistency & it takes way too many drops to get the darker colors. They are designed to work w/ soy though, & dark colors are a pipe dream for pure soy.


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