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Upped my prices--->customer comments


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Amazingly 100% of customer reactions was...."well everything is going up"

I increased 4-20% on about 50% of my wholesale items, depending on the item. I was shocked at the reply...this is definately the time to do it!! I held back on this, and some have never had a price increase, others, this is the 4th time.

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You probably weren't the ffirst of their wholesalers to up prices and probably won't be the last.

The price of gas going up almost on a daily basis should be enough of a warning to people. That alone raises the prices on almost everything we buy.

I'm glad they took it well cuz ya gotta do what ya gotta do! ;)

I just hope people will keep buying.

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I've been putting off raising my prices. But, it's something I'm going to have to do. With supplies, as well as shipping on supplies going up, the only way I'm going to be making any money is to raise prices.

I'm glad your customers took it so well, hopefully mine will too.

If everything, except for wages, keeps going up, small time chandlers like me aren't going to be able to stay in business. People are going to have to decide between necessity and extras, and since candles are not necessity, I fear sales will dip too low to continue.

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People would be idiots in this economy to not realize that candles are going up. I calculated all the increases and raised my prices this year and no one complained, some didn't even notice. I had to to keep ahead of the cost of wax and shipping!

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I am working on calculating my costs to see if an increase is in the future for some or all of my products as well. Barncat - glad to hear that your customers were understanding. May I ask - did you give your customers warning that an increase was taking place or just raise the prices and explain if asked?

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May I ask - did you give your customers warning that an increase was taking place or just raise the prices and explain if asked?

No warning...just did it. 2 years ago with my last big increase I gave all my customers a warning and gave them the oppurtunity to buy early...not one took the chance. Surprisingly they waited until afterwards..some even in just a week after the increase. So, after that I decided not to waste my time and money by notifying early. they dont really care, some were actually surprised i didnt do it sooner!

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No warning...just did it. 2 years ago with my last big increase I gave all my customers a warning and gave them the oppurtunity to buy early...not one took the chance. Surprisingly they waited until afterwards..some even in just a week after the increase. So, after that I decided not to waste my time and money by notifying early. they dont really care, some were actually surprised i didnt do it sooner!

Thanks for sharing !!

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