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label printing help


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I am about to pull my hair out - or throw my new printer out the window.

I had a label program on my old computer. I got it loaded on the new computer, but when I tried to print clamshell labels they wouldn't line up. Calibrated the printer fine. Printed on plain paper fine. Print on labels and they don't line up. I thought it was my old program so I downloaded Avery Design Pro. Just spent an hour redesigning my label. Printed on plain paper fine. Print on labels and it doesn't line up! I have the right label template, the printer is calibrated. What am I doing wrong? I have a show Saturday and really need some labels. This is so frustrating!

In case it matters, I have an HP 1410 and my label is Avery 5395. Anyone have any help for me?

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I couldn't get anything to line up on my HP either....

So, save your labels to a floppy, drive to Amanda's house.. Toss her a few bucks for ink, and worry about lining up that stuff after ya'lls show.

Deep breaths.. Breathe in.. and Release.

Love ya'll and miss ya'll!!!! (and I'm ready for another 3 way!)

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Georgia this is going to sound stupid, but it worked for me. The direction your putting your full sheet of labels in to print, turn it 180 degrees and load it. See if they print even. I use a program as well. I got new labels and made no changes to my templates. When I went to print, they were all off centered. I had calibrated and they printed on paper just fine. When I turned the label sheet 180 degrees, viola, they printed perfect. HTH

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I don't know what program you are using. I got the free Avery download...the Set-up Wizard is awesome...worked perfectly the first time that I printed. My problem is finding a label look that I like!

The program works hand-in-hand with Microsoft Word also...a little trickier for me. Nothing like the frustration of computers sometimes...makes you wanna pull your hair out!

Best Wishes.

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I tried RTFM. Said to stack plain paper under the labels, don't feed one sheet of labels at a time. Tried that, it didn't make a difference.

Tried turning the labels 180*, it didn't make a difference.

I have 2 programs, American Greetings and Avery Design Pro. They both print out the same.

I don't have "label" as an option for paper. plain paper, other paper, bunches of photo - glossy, matte, brochure paper, transparency paper. No label paper. I've tried a bunch, they don't make a difference.

I claibrated the printer not the print heads. It prints out a big cross that is supposed to be the exact center of the paper both portrait and landscape. It is dead nuts center (that's a technical term).

This printer feeds that paper print side down from the front of the printer. This sounds silly, but could it be that the back of the label paper is too slick for the printer to grab and align?

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll try anything.

Oh, and Bunny, those who don't know anything about Cincinnati Chili now think that you are kinky! (Well, I guess WE are kinky, since you want a 3-way.) :laugh2:

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Oh Georgia, I feel for you. I've had many temper tantrums over things not working properly with my printer before. Are you sure you don't have a label option under document set up or print set up?

I can't think of anything else to do, except to possibly contact the place where you got your labels. Did you get them from an office supply store, or somewhere like onlinelabels.com? I guess it could be possible that the diecut for your labels might be off a fraction of an inch which would throw everything out of whack.

Using printer paper, I would trace over a few of the labels, put it in my printer, and see if your text prints out properly aligned on that paper. If it does, then I would think your problem does perhaps have something to do with the thickness of your labels.

I don't know if this makes any difference or not, but my printer came with instructions that specifically said not to combine different types of paper in the tray when you're printing labels. Only have label stock stacked waiting to be printed.

Lastly, are you sure you've got the right size labels for the template you're using. I don't mean to insult you--it's just that if any stupid thing could be done, I've done it, and it would be like me to overlook something as simple as that. I see that the Avery template 5395 is for label size 3.38" x 2.33"--is that the size of your labels?

Sorry--it's all just guess work, but I hope you get things figured out!

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I really appreciate your help. Yes, I've checked and tried. Guess I need to check with HP to see if they have a solution.

I did think it strange that it said to stack plain paper under the label sheet. But that is exactly what it said. And in the next paragraph said to only stack the same size and paper in the tray. HUH?

Gonna go throw the printer now! :tongue2:

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The only time I've had problems like that is when I've forgotten to click on "label paper". You said you don't have that option, but do you have "card stock" as an option. Basically something that says 'I'm thicker than ordinary paper'. Wonder why they don't have labels for a paper option. Hope you figure it out, labels are a PITA just like wicking.

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Dear God, sometimes I just can't see the forest for the trees! Where's the little guy hitting himself in the head with the hammer?

I calibrated with plain paper like the directions told me. It printed fine on plain paper. It printed off with the labels. I did everything under the sun to get it to print right. Today I calibrated with a label sheet. Well, duh! Adjusted the printer accordingly and they print just fine!

Now that I know I can label and sell them, I'm off to pour more melties!

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Oh, I just hope you figured it out before you lost all you hair. Labels can be so frustrating to me too, just want you to know you're not alone. I was pitching a fit about my laser printer that wasn't printing right.......well, come to find out it was all me, and only me that was messing up.

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