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Where do you mix your lye solution?


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I keep reading folks recommending mixing outside, but that's not for me. The last thing I want to do is carry a lye solution through the house - especially over the doorstep where I could trip. Someone could run past or into me, I could trip and spill (even with a lid)... Carrying it at all seems a bad idea.

We cannot just leave it outside unattended to cool either - animals could get into it, a neighbor kid, anything could happen.

I mix mine in the sink by an open window. I then lift it out of the sink onto the counter and put it in the back corner if it needs to cool - too far back for little hands. And even then I stick around to make sure no one can get into it. (all properly labeled of course)

Where do you mix yours?

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When I started I would mix it up outside then carry it in. Not only did it get too cold, to be running back and forth! I decided going back and forth with the lye container wasn't any safer than just mixing it up in my kitchen sink. My front and back doors both open into my living room. I feel I have more chance of having a child or pet related accident that way then just staying put in my kitchen. I usually HP so no worry about cooling.

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i do rtcp so i don't need for my lye to cool.

I'm confused by this statement Crafty1- I also do rtcp and always let my lye cool somewhat, otherwise it's too hot for doing rtcp.

I just do mine at my island counter. I've never had a problem with enhaling fumes unless I stick my face right into the pitcher. Maybe b/c I never mix more than what's needed for 2-4lb. batch. I guess if I was mixing a lot more, it might be more "fumey" huh?

My pitcher is clearly marked (with permanent black marker) that it is for LYE use only and not to be touched etc.

Sometimes I'll put it in the freezer for a few minutes if I'm in a hurry for it to cool. But I always make sure I'm in the kitchen preparing my oils and such so that if little hands want to get in the freezer I'm right there to stop them. ;)

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I'm confused by this statement Crafty1- I also do rtcp and always let my lye cool somewhat, otherwise it's too hot for doing rtcp.

I just do mine at my island counter. I've never had a problem with enhaling fumes unless I stick my face right into the pitcher. Maybe b/c I never mix more than what's needed for 2-4lb. batch. I guess if I was mixing a lot more, it might be more "fumey" huh?

My pitcher is clearly marked (with permanent black marker) that it is for LYE use only and not to be touched etc.

Sometimes I'll put it in the freezer for a few minutes if I'm in a hurry for it to cool. But I always make sure I'm in the kitchen preparing my oils and such so that if little hands want to get in the freezer I'm right there to stop them. ;)

i don't melt any of my hard oils, which are shea, palm, and coconut, as soon as i mix the lye water, i pour into my bucket of oils and whisk until all the solid oils are melted, once they are, i stick blend, color, fragrance, etc. pour into molds.

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I have a soaping kitchen downstairs so I mix mine in the sink down there and then let it sit until I use it. I have started masterbatching mine in 3 gallon containers that have lock lids. No little kids around here anymore and usually just me and the dogs home..LOL

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I mix mine in the kitchen sink now. I just turn my head or walk away for a couple of mins if its a bit fumey. I used to do it on the deck when I first started soaping and I figured I was more likely to have an accident coming back into the house than if I just left it in the sink, which is my work area.

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I mix mine in my soaping area~ in the basement.

No kids or pets here, so I am pretty safe. I haven't done any masterbatching as I am too worried that sooner or later the lye will eat thru the container. Or I'll make a miscalculation in the water to lye ratio. Call me paranoid. I have a few pitchers ready to use if I am making multiple batches.

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I also do rtcp and always let my lye cool somewhat, otherwise it's too hot for doing rtcp.

what is "rtcp"

I mix mine outside-just bump furballs into backyard and mix in front-on top of recycle bin

then carry inside and leave in counter-no spills-pretend it is a martini glass and go with it-you knw you never spill a martini!!

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