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incense soaking dishes

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When I started making incense a few weeks ago, I was using a glass baking dish to soak them in. I wanted to make a bunch of different kinds at once so I went to the store to get more dishes, but saw some cookie sheets that were the perfect size. I bought a couple and have some sticks soaking as we speak, but I was wondering if anyone else uses cookie sheets to make incense? I'm not sure if the oils will mess up the sheets for future incense-making...?

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When I make incense, I cut the top off of a bottle (HDPE) and use that. It has quite a large neck, I can easily pour off the remaining liquid into another smaller jar for using afterwards, can move the sticks around easily, and I can either keep it if it's a scent I use regularly, or toss it away.

I end up with soooo many empty fragrance bottles so for me it's the easiest and most economical method.



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When I make incense, I cut the top off of a bottle (HDPE) and use that. It has quite a large neck, I can easily pour off the remaining liquid into another smaller jar for using afterwards, can move the sticks around easily, and I can either keep it if it's a scent I use regularly, or toss it away.

I end up with soooo many empty fragrance bottles so for me it's the easiest and most economical method.



Great advice for using the fo bottles!

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I am glad to see this thread :yay:

I bought some sticks to test before Christmas and didnt' get to them. I was also wondering the best "soaking" tool to start with. I considered the glass dishes as well as the alumumium baking thingy's. A cookie sheet would pay off better in the long run. Thanks Candlebean !!

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