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Question about shipping to Canada


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I recently ordered some supplies from another US supplier and when the goods were delivered to my door I had to pay another $23 CDN on top of the $35 that I already paid for the goods. Is this for duty/customs? Whenever I order from Peaks I don't pay anything extra. I know Allan does something so that we don't have to pay the extra. Will other suppliers do this? If someone sent privately would I still have to pay the duties? I want to order some apothecary jars that I can't get from a supplier in Canada (the ones with the metal lids) but if I end up having to pay a lot more for duty etc it's not worth it. Can anyone chime in here?

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Was it sent by USPS or FedEx/UPS?

FedEx & UPS charge brokerage fees to bring it across the border. Canada Post/USPS do not charge them. Canada Post collects duty/taxes and they charge a $5.00 admin fee. You would still have to pay the duty & tax no matter which way it was sent, however, it usually is MUCH cheaper to have it sent USPS. If it is marked as a *gift* you do not have to pay either duty or taxes, however Canada Customs has the right to open any package and if it's found that it really isn't a gift, my understanding is it can be a hassle for both you and the company who sent it.

I will not order from a company who won't ship USPS...those damn brokerage fees are just too high!!


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Hah. what timing....going thru this now. Sent some stuff to Canada via FEG. You HAVE to have an account and do the process on-line when going to Canada, they wont do it at the FE depot...no mention on-line of brokerage fees, etc, till the buyer gets the bill!!! $30 for ground shipping and now they want $64 more for fees, $33 of which is a BROKERAGE FEE!! What crap.

FYI...if the buyer doesn't pay it, they come back on the shipper per thier reg's and will hold the shipper responsible :undecided.

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This is exactly why I refuse to have anything shipped anything BUT USPS when coming from the states. I got a huge UPS brokerage bill once (Over $200 for a product valued at $10) I fought it and won, but it was still the scariest thing ever and I will NEVER do it again. I've found most people will mark it as a gift (i've had them opened at the border and never had a problem) and I only seem to have to pay taxes on stuff about 1/2 the time. But definitely only have stuff shipped USPS

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Whenever I order from Peaks I don't pay anything extra. I know Allan does something so that we don't have to pay the extra.

I always have to pay at least $22 to the post office, when I order from Peak.

Alan does mark it as a gift, but customs open it anyway and see's the total on the receipt and charges me 15 percent tax plus $5 for the post office. I never order from anyone that sends it by UPS or FED-X. I got a golf club off of e-bay and was charged $58 at the door. Sometimes packages do slip through the cracks and I don't have to pay anything. Oh happy day...lol:yay:

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