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I started with DIY until I found that I could get the exact same thing (Feature Cart) including all the extras that you pay nicely for on DIY for $7/month on wahmshoppes. So I switched and have been happy ever since.


SAME HERE!!! I have been with WAHMshoppes for about 6 months now and love them!! I have the same exact features I did when I was at DIY but pay a heck of alot less! :yay:

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It has nothing to do with bad business...something tragic has happened in her life and she can not take new sign ups at this time. Please try and understand...she is an amazing girl, and an amazing business woman...she is one of my closest friends. To say it is bad business is COMPLETELY wrong.

Thank you for your understanding!

I am not calling her a bad business person. I just pointed out a message that was on her site that said she wasn't taking on new clients. Someone else posted information contrary to what her site said. All I'm saying is, if practice to leave an old message up saying you aren't accepting new clients--and that applies to ANY website.

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Ok, I'm confused! Are you all talking about Designer 218? If so, when I view her page I have yet to see "not taking new customers" and secondly I was in contact with her yesterday and am in the process of signing up. Unless something tragic happened after 7:00 EST, I'm under the impression that her site is fine and she's accepting new customers.

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Yes, debscent. The owner of 218 posted a brief response here last night that, for a brief time, she was not taking new clients, but that she is now. Looks like her post isn't here anymore.

Or maybe I've just gone temporarily blind again.


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Let me try to clear things up a bit -- It is not a sabotage but an attempt to keep suppliers at bay, having any CS that needs to be done be done on the supplier's own website. We've been having an increase of suppliers using CT as a form of customer service as of late.

CT's desire is for the (consumers/crafters) is to be able to talk openly on the forum without, frankly, suppliers "meddling" in each thread that pertains to them. There are plenty of suppliers that co-exsist as a supplier and a member here on the forum, that resist the temptation to pitch and plug, but are simply active members of the forum. We could make the forum a closed place where other suppliers aren't allowed, but we have chosen not to.

Heck, there is a lot to be learned by suppliers who sit back, listen and take in what (we) say here on the forum, good and bad. That in itself is priceless. It would be nice if some of them came out to support the site like Peak, Lightening Labels and Rustic Escentuals, instead of using CT for free advertising and a customer service hub.

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I can understand that, Sara. In fact, I'm a long time proponent that suppliers should never babble on forums. Never. Unless it's to post a sale such as CT has in the Supplier Sale category.

Example: there is a thread in the fragrance section that has over 400 replies. Probably half of them (I haven't counted) are from the actual supplier. This, to me, is not only unacceptable but ridiculous.

I just hope if this is the new rule, it's enforced across the board. IMO, 218's reply was not an advertising plug but a simple explanation that there had been a death in her family but she is now geared up and accepting new clients. Since one of your mods brought up the "no new clients" thing, 218 had every right to respond.

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Example: there is a thread in the fragrance section that has over 400 replies. Probably half of them (I haven't counted) are from the actual supplier. This, to me, is not only unacceptable but ridiculous.

VERY VERY good point - a very small post giving people a clear response to the "accepting orders" confusion was removed, but a supplier is running rampant on "that" thread and nothing is done? That particular supplier has managed to build their business up ten-fold purely because of that thread so if that's not self promotion and advertising, I don't know what is.

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I have to agree on this one. This supplier simply wrote an explanation as to what was going on. Nothing more, nothing less. I can see if she was plugging and running unchecked as was mentioned, but she was not. To remove her post was really unnecessary as I have seen other suppliers posting and defending their businesses as well without removal. Why this one? I agree with Sliver...I sure hope this one is enforced across aboard. If you are going to do it to this supplier here who was simply stating what was happening with the message on her site, then you had better do it with all the others as well. It's only fair.


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I have to agree with the others, I didn't see the post in question, but I was quite concerned that there was an implication she wasn't doing business, when in fact I had just signed up. So, a response from the supplier in regard to that issue is warranted in my view. When there are squabbles about customer service between a supplier & customer I understand being deleted (as it was last week), but nothing removed from the fragrance section thread in question, if that's allowed, why isn't this one? I'm not trying to fan the fires here, but I think it might be nice to reconsider putting her post back on, especially since a mod stated she was not doing business anymore.

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I agree...there was no advertising going on. Somene here basically said that what she was doing was "Bad Business"...and I tried saying no...it wasn't. The poor girl was basically having her good reputation tarnished...over what...something that is HER choice to do....afterall it is HER business...no one elses...and if after a tragic incident like losing a family member you aren't allowed to close...then I am sorry...but you all need to take a step back and re-evaluate your lives.

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Just to clear it up a bit -- it is because of the increased incidence of this happening (the pitching, plugging, etc.), and it becoming more of an evident issue. Therefore, we will be removing further posts that are similar. Can't say that we'll be able to go back and clean up past posts, but this will be the policy going forward.

ETA - and point taken as far as the thoughts on the post. We'll leave it as is and move on.

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Just to clear it up a bit -- it is because of the increased incidence of this happening (the pitching, plugging, etc.), and it becoming more of an evident issue. Therefore, we will be removing further posts that are similar. Can't say that we'll be able to go back and clean up past posts, but this will be the policy going forward.

ETA - and point taken as far as the thoughts on the post. We'll leave it as is and move on.

So, are you saying that ALL posts by suppliers will be removed? Or just the ones plugging their businesses?

I guess I need more clarification.

My personal opinion, for what it's worth, is that before any one moderator gets delete happy, they should have to run the post by another mod. Kind of like referees in football, before they make a call, they huddle and come to an agreement. ;)

And is this part of the TOS? It should be, if not.

I surely don't think it's fair for a mod to come on a post and state something negative/inflammatory towards a supplier, and that supplier not be able to come to their own defense with a simple explanation.

I also think if you're going to enforce suppliers not posting, then you need to tell ALL suppliers to keep their URL's or any other business related information off their personal posts (in their signatures) and only be able to use such in the supplier section. Afterall, that's a form of "plugging" their business.

Just my :2cents: .

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Removal will be under the discernment of the moderating staff. This is already part of the TOS in the FAQ section, which also addresses this issue.

In the course of not moderating heavy-handed, (some) people will use that to their advantage. As it becomes apparent, moderating approaches shift. As the forum grows, the rules and/or approach shifts to accommodate. But, as always, if you have issue or question about one of the staff, I request you take it up with me directly and privately, or it will be removed.

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The rules are posted... in the FAQ section.

An explanation was given.

The post before mine was deleted. For reasons already clearly outlined. Sorry but this thread is closed. If you want to continue the conversation or have questions, PM or email me.

If the starter of the thread needs to start a new one, please do. Apologies fort this getting off track.

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