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Dontcha Just Hate....


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....scumbags who ride on your coat-tails?

So I was checking out the traffic analysis on my website - you know, seeing where my visitors were coming from, what links were being clicked etc and you know, one of the most prolific providers of traffic to my site is:


This is beginning to PISS me off. Why can't these thieving, useless **%$$?£$ do their OWN work instead of trying to steal mine?

In December, my site was accessed 36 times by this site - so that's either 36 people trying to find out what my keywords are so they can rip them off or a few people visiting over and over again trying to steal my hard work instead of getting off their fat, lazy arses and doing the job themselves.

Go figure, I just gave the url so I can probaby expect a shit-load more visits but I gotta say, anyone who DOES use this method of trying to steal from their competitors rather than doing the work themselves are just plain 'ol leeches and WILL get their come-uppance one day.

Rant over.

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I fully understand! As with candlemaking, there are a lot of folks who think it's sooo simple having a good website! Oh look at that, it ranks so high, let's see what keywords are there.. oh and look at that picture, it's amazing, I could use it!

There are too many people not understanding the value of a hard work. I think they all are scammers, they pretend to be a great someone, in the end they are nothing.

ok my rant over too!

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Unfortunately, this is just a tool to do it quicker, the coding on your site for your personal keywords can be read by anyone.

I forgot how it's done, DH showed me once when he was messing around with our EQ2 guild's site, but it can be done.

This just makes the way to do it automated of sorts it looks like (not sure of course, I don't have it).

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I forgot how it's done, DH showed me once

In any browser, you can view the code of nearly any page on the web (in IE - click on View and scroll down to "source"). The keywords are generally listed in the header area (the first part). That silly program is simply reading what is there for anyone to see using their own browser. This is different from you viewing the stats on your site to see what keywords and search terms were actually used to locate your site, which can be accessed only by looking at your stats log, which should be securely stored (and inaccessible by others) on your webserver.

I looked at that site you referenced and got a chuckle that people are paying money for something they can discover by themselves with their own browsers.

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They aren't stealing your work, and just because the name of the company is keyword spy doesn't mean it's wrong or illegal. This is common practice with a lot of companies on the internet.

It's the fastest and best way to compare your keywords and keywords of other companies like yours. My hosting provider has a submission area and it does keyword searches on my site, other sites, and crawls the search engines to see where my site is ranked. When it crawls my site it gives me meta tags and keyword tags to put into my code as well.

It's not lazy, it's the fastest way to get your site up in the search engines to be viewed, people pay a LOT of $ for that kind of help. If you were to do what that does by hand you'd be at it for months...

This site probably does Search Engine submissions as well, and when you are doing that it's best to have all your ducks in a row...it's a competitive business not just for my store, but in the candle community as well, and any advantage you can get makes you that much better when it comes to advertising.:2cents:

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They aren't stealing your work, and just because the name of the company is keyword spy doesn't mean it's wrong or illegal. This is common practice with a lot of companies on the internet.

It's the fastest and best way to compare your keywords and keywords of other companies like yours.

My hosting provider has a submission area and it does keyword searches on my site, other sites, and crawls the search engines to see where my site is ranked. When it crawls my site it gives me meta tags and keyword tags to put into my code as well.

It's not lazy, it's the fastest way to get your site up in the search engines to be viewed, people pay a LOT of $ for that kind of help. If you were to do what that does by hand you'd be at it for months...

This site probably does Search Engine submissions as well, and when you are doing that it's best to have all your ducks in a row...it's a competitive business not just for my store, but in the candle community as well, and any advantage you can get makes you that much better when it comes to advertising.:2cents:

"The fastest and best way to compare your keywords and keywords of other companies like yours"

It is NONE of those things, It's LAZY. Why go and find sites that are higher ranked than yours, steal the keywords so you can match or overtake the site you took them from?

Why not get off your butt and work through a list of keywords on your own and NOT just "take" the keywords that someone else has worked their butts off over for months? Keywords don't just "Appear" you know - they have to be researched, tested and paid for to ensure they are streamlined and working to your company's best advantage.

For someone to come along and just rip off a list of keywords that I have spent 3 years developing and streamlining and paid hundreds of dollars for along the way is, in my eyes, stealing.

I never said it was illegal, and I know full well the source of a website can be viewed and stolen unless protective measures to prevent that are in place on the website. I pointed out that REGARDLESS of the method, if a person just rips off the keywords from a site that is similar but performing better than their own instead of putting in the time, money and effort to develop their business off their own backs - that's just wrong.

Despite it being wrong, it HAPPENS, and there's nothing any of us can do about it - and that's the thing that pisses me off!

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Natty no offense but business is cut throat at times...do you honestly think the multi million dollar companies didn't do the same thing you are pissed off about in order to get to the top? Bill Gates undermined his own parter Steve Jobs, and cut him out then got into bed with IBM to all but monopolize the PC world with Microsoft.

Business is about making money, my DW's store is one of a host of stores on the internet, and that's just people like us, let's not forget out suppliers are selling the same stuff, and we've got to compete with them as well. If i can spend the money to get my name above them, and customers buying from me, then i spent money to make money, and that's the name of the game with business to make money. Now if i had expendable money to throw around i'd open a store front like we want to and I wouldn't have to worry if i made money or not.

What is the most efficient business tactic, spend money to get ahead (being lazy) or spend months even years compiling the information while those who you call lazy get ahead?

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Can't you just block that website from entering your site somehow?

there are ways I use a .host file in the root of my domain with a list of IPs that will block them from entering...You can add domain names as well, but it's more effective to use the IP address.

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This is of course just my opinion, but WHY the heck would anyone PAY anyone else for keywords???? Seriously? It took you 3 years to come up with keywords? Hundreds of dollars? WOW! That's uhmmm well, crazy. But, I guess whatever floats your boat!!

I personally don't see keyword spy as any kind of threat at all. And I think it's absolutely crazy to get people all worked about about thinking it is. Sounds like somebody has fed you a line of "something" Natty. Seriously.. have your "researched, and paid for" keywords gotten you ranked? I don't mean to be mean here, but you are truely getting worked up over what is IMO something very trivial. It's absolutely NOT rocket science.

I honestly hope that you folks aren't out there paying someone to think up keywords for you. If you are, have you looked to see what they've come up with? Is/Was it worth it? Maybe I'm the one who's insane.

Edited to Add:

Perhaps if someone you are paying could come up with keywords that were different words for your products, one might have something to be very upset about.. .. but since candles are candles, and shampoo is shampoo, body scrub is body scrub and I'm sure you made up NONE of those words, then I'm thinking you really have nothing to worry about LOL!

No worries Natty.. and your site is still just great! :)

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This is of course just my opinion, but WHY the heck would anyone PAY anyone else for keywords???? Seriously? It took you 3 years to come up with keywords? Hundreds of dollars? WOW! That's uhmmm well, crazy. But, I guess whatever floats your boat!!

I personally don't see keyword spy as any kind of threat at all. And I think it's absolutely crazy to get people all worked about about thinking it is. Sounds like somebody has fed you a line of "something" Natty. Seriously.. have your "researched, and paid for" keywords gotten you ranked? I don't mean to be mean here, but you are truely getting worked up over what is IMO something very trivial. It's absolutely NOT rocket science.

I honestly hope that you folks aren't out there paying someone to think up keywords for you. If you are, have you looked to see what they've come up with? Is/Was it worth it? Maybe I'm the one who's insane.

Edited to Add:

Perhaps if someone you are paying could come up with keywords that were different words for your products, one might have something to be very upset about.. .. but since candles are candles, and shampoo is shampoo, body scrub is body scrub and I'm sure you made up NONE of those words, then I'm thinking you really have nothing to worry about LOL!

No worries Natty.. and your site is still just great! :)

No I did not PAY for someone to come up with my keywords - I'm not that dumb. What I mean is that I have been using Google Adwords for 3 years and you pay for that on a monthly basis. Setting up Google Adwords is NOT simple or easy and you pay on a monthly basis for what essentially is a glorified keyword storage centre. After much hair pulling and analysing to ensure I've not got 6,000 keywords that do nothing but 200 keywords that actually WORK for me, I'm finally seeing very very good results and spend a long time viewing traffic reports, conversion rates and click through stats to ensure I keep getting and improving my returns. You can see which are clicked, how many times, if the click converted into a sale or not yada yada.

I tweaked those keywords over and over again till my ranking started to rise and yes, I do have a very good ranking now in the UK. I'm not talking about the keywords that are sat in the header of the HTML page, I'm talking about the keywords I've used in Google Adwords - and THEY are the ones people are stealing.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear - the keywords stored in the metatags at the top of each page are pretty much worthless, they rarely get you up the rankings at all and that's not what people using keyword spy are looking at. What they are looking at is my GOOGLE ADWORDS keywords which I have spent 3 years developing and paying for. Let them "view source" on the actual website, I only have a few keywords on there but I'm protective of the targeted keywords I've developed for Google Adwords as they cost money and take time to develop!

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I don't know anything about this personally, but how are they getting Google AdWords keywords? I thought that was stored on Google's side and they stick it into their own coding when someone brings up pages with the ads...

that's exactly what they're getting. I think I confused the matter by saying "keywords" in a generic sense. What that site actually does is give the GOOGLE ADWORDS that i have developed and paid for (which I confusingly called "keywords").

I Don't know how it works or how they do it, but for a site like that to just rip of anyone's Google Adwords which take time and money to develop are truly a shower of worthless buggers.

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Most SEO companies that many pay for to help them with things like this also assist with Adwords and pretty much already are up to date with and very knowledgable with SEO so what you may see as your work that you spent years tweaking is probably normal everyday words that these guys use for their clients on a regular basis.

It's not stealing or being lazy. It's a business and if you are a person that is not very saavy with SEO then you are one that would pay for those services to get your site ranked high. And those that offer the service because it is their expertise, that is the business they run and it is legit and I don't think it is lazy. I have no clue how all of that works but sure enough, if I had the money, I would be paying an SEO optimization company to do it for me. Lazy you may say, but I think not. I am not versed in that area and have no problems paying someone to do it for me for the sake of my web biz because I am better in the kitchen making my products instead of pulling my hair out trying to figure out SEO, Adwords and what makes them successful. I will leave that to the pros.



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