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Doing a fragrance oil inventory


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I'm going to check over my oils tomorrow (hopefully) ;) I'm just going to weigh each bottle instead of emptying each one out.

Is this how you do it?

Quite a lot I will be ebaying or on the classies, haven't decided yet, but I'll put that it includes bottle weight. Or do you weigh an empty bottle and deduct it?

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Please measure any way that works for you as long as your sell info clearly states the weight of THE OILS themselves.

If you just list that the weight includes the bottle, that's useless information cause the buyer doesn't know what kind of bottle you have.....a plastic bottle weighs much less than a glass bottle and you can really screw someone.

I was pretty pissed off one time I bought some oils from someone, only to find out the (glass) bottle was included in their weight :mad:.

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trouble is I had a clearout before christmas, not sure if i have empty bottles left in all sizes.

What I might do it take the biggest heaviest bottle (they are all plastic) and weigh that, then a smaller bottle would have more than I state if I deduct the weight of the largest bottle

(that makes complete sense in my head lol) :laugh2:

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What we're working on is getting me trained enough (eeeks) to weigh and enter all oils that arrive so at the end of the year I don't get lectured and inventory goes much more smoothly and we aren't rebuilding scenarios, such as an oil leaking when it was incoming. I've got a very long excel breakdown on my inventory. This year we're leaving the good smelling stuff till last ... I am regretting not being a little more disciplined in this area. In the meantime, I've accumulated enough bottle weights (but not for all my suppliers) that it helps out.

What you cleared out is still countable for 2007.

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I don't make too many candles at the same time. If you do, then this may not be a plausible idea.

What I do is keep track as I go along. When I make some candles or tarts, I subtract the wt of the oil used and write down the remaining oil on the bottle itself. Of course, this is not an exact science as oils do spill and drip...but it's a good ballpark number.



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I don't make too many candles at the same time. If you do, then this may not be a plausible idea.

What I do is keep track as I go along. When I make some candles or tarts, I subtract the wt of the oil used and write down the remaining oil on the bottle itself. Of course, this is not an exact science as oils do spill and drip...but it's a good ballpark number.



I have got to get my own inventory sorted out & thought I could do it this way too.....alas I have a terrible way of losing track of all my little bits of paper with details on.

So I am going to put labels on each bottle with starting weight & keep subtracting, also transfer that information to my files.

I need to get my son to create a spreadsheet for me so I can keep track of things on the computer.

Developing good stock taking habits is a must if my business is going to stand a chance of working.


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What we're working on is getting me trained enough (eeeks) to weigh and enter all oils that arrive so at the end of the year I don't get lectured and inventory goes much more smoothly and we aren't rebuilding scenarios, such as an oil leaking when it was incoming. I've got a very long excel breakdown on my inventory. This year we're leaving the good smelling stuff till last ... I am regretting not being a little more disciplined in this area. In the meantime, I've accumulated enough bottle weights (but not for all my suppliers) that it helps out.

What you cleared out is still countable for 2007.

Yep I confess I do lecture on this issue. I would have to say that Scented has learned pretty quick. We will get thru finishing our inventory "hopefully" this weekend. Now the fun part begins. Doing that dreaded paperwork.

So I guess it is my turn to be lectured. :)

Uncle Sam must be fed and doesn't like missing any meals.

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  • 1 month later...

Whew! Finally finished the fo inventory...everything else was easy, but going back and pricing it all took forever. I'll definitely keep a spreadsheet with pricing this year as I go, but I don't see how you can keep weight ongoing unless you allow for spillage and evaporation on a monthly/yearly basis? Maybe I need to get more sophisticated and start tracking every single candle produced in a spreadsheet that deducts the amount used automatically...I'm all for an easy, peasy inventory software if anyone knows of one. Quick Books is not all that easy for inventory...I use it for my books, but I'm not crazy about the inventory module.

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